Only the once: I needed the loo post-coitus and impulsively (kinda for a laugh) slipped into my then-girlfriends dress for the short journey. She thought it was "hot", which cued round two :claping hands:
Only the once: I needed the loo post-coitus and impulsively (kinda for a laugh) slipped into my then-girlfriends dress for the short journey. She thought it was "hot", which cued round two :claping hands:
Bikes? Nuns? Reminds me of a joke I know....
Two nuns out on a bike ride take a shortcut through a Yorkshire village.
First Nun: "I've never come this way before."
Second Nun: "Nor me. Must be the cobbles!"
Errm, City hot favourites for promotion ..... errm this season we would be coming flying out of the blocks .......... errrm ..... no excuse, interim manager or no interim manager.