Media Blackout (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
So what are people's opinion on Mr Appleton's demand for a media black out?


Well-Known Member
It's all to do with the "financial transparency" all in authority bang on about (Government, FA, FL & indeed our owners)
PA as an officer of the court seems wiling & able to stick two fingers up to that though it seems


New Member
It gives time for other things to crop up


Well-Known Member
Not sure of it is more professional and will lead to a quicker resolution.


Bad for us the fans as the more things appear in the media. The more questions are asked. The more it makes both SISU and the FL uncomfortable.

Jack Griffin

Put that blackberry down!


Well-Known Member
Where's Appleton's Statement ? Just wondering if ACL could challenge Appleton's handing of his Administration Process in Court ?


Well-Known Member
I can't see how in a legal sense Appleton can 'demand' a blackout. He can ask both sides to keep quiet, but I'm not aware of any legal powers that he has in this regard.

Given how pathetically badly he's handled this, I think if I was ACL and it suited me, I'd just tell my side of the story. In fairness, I'd do that if I was SISU too. How can you respect a man who gets paid these vast sums and can't even meet his own deadlines.

(Edit: Ah, statement released. " I adjourned the creditors' meeting yesterday to discuss the proposed CVA Proposals until Tuesday July 30 at 11am to give all parties further time to reflect on their positions." Wow.)
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Well-Known Member
Maybe he just doesn't want to give Bob Ainsworth any more ammunition.... ;)


Well-Known Member
I reckon ACL don't want to play ball, so he's extended it a week to allow True Sky Blue to get Greg Dyke, SISU and ACL round a table (presumaby in the front room of some football club director) and come up with a solution which will enable Appleton to only have to change his pants once a day.


Well-Known Member
I can't see how in a legal sense Appleton can 'demand' a blackout. He can ask both sides to keep quiet, but I'm not aware of any legal powers that he has in this regard.....

You can't stop people like us, or those who have some inside info, posting stuff up on the internet. But established broadcasters/papers/freelance journalists, in my experience, sometimes sign an agreement where in exchange for the company giving them all the jucy info and perhaps access to people for interviews etc, they won't publish it until the company says so.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure he 'demanded' a media black-out, he requested one, and all sides have apparently agreed - so there must be a reason for that.

Not sure why we can't just leave it at that. All will become clear in one week anyway. Just idle speculation and lame conspiracy theories.


Well-Known Member
I'm wondering why there was a media blackout around the Royal birth, don't know if you're aware, but apparently yesterday, Kate and Wills had a baby son.

Only found out by accident, there has been no mention of it all on tv, radio, or in the press.

All a bit suspicious if you ask me.

Jack Griffin

I'm wondering why there was a media blackout around the Royal birth, don't know if you're aware, but apparently yesterday, Kate and Wills had a baby son.

Only found out by accident, there has been no mention of it all on tv, radio, or in the press.

All a bit suspicious if you ask me.

They f****ing ruined the picture on the program I was watching by putting a 'breaking news' banner at the bottom of the screen, it isn't exactly as important as WWIII breaking out or 9/11..

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