Can't wait for the PR guy interviewed on the tele.
Interviewer: So where's the stadium actually going to be?
PR Guy: Guess!
Interviewer: You're not going to tell us?
PR Guy: No seriously, guess!!
Interviewer: If I guess correctly will you tell me if I'm right?
PR Guy: Nope.
Interviewer: And this stadium will have a 12,000 capacity, is that correct?
PR Guy: 15,000.
Interviewer: 15,000?
PR Guy: 18,000.
Interviewer: 18,000?
PR Guy: 23,000!
Interviewer: 23,000? Every time I say a number you just increase that number. Are you going to just keep on doing that?
PR Guy: 30,000!!
Interviewer: Are you saying the stadium is expandable?
PR Guy: Yep.
Interviewer: How is that?
PR Guy: It's built like an accordian and can increase from 12,000 to 30,000 just by playing C sharp on a knob by the car park.
Interviewer: Do you mean Tim Fisher?
PR Guy: Sorry, this interview is over!!
(PR Guy storms out, but walks the wrong way and ends up in the props department. Puts a bucket on his head and cries. 2 minutes later he bursts back into the studio and shines a holographic image of a football stadium on the Midlands Today parking lot, shouting 'There's the stadium, there! Plain as the nose on your face!')