Midlands today headline (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Coventry City announce plans for new stadium, but won't say where or when....

This is getting embarrassing even they are homing in on the fact that this is not normal.


Well-Known Member
This is beginning to unravel into an embarrassing PR disaster. Whoever 'masterminded' this is gonna be in for a Seppaling....


Well-Known Member
Coventry City announce plans for new stadium, but won't say where or when....

This is getting embarrassing even they are homing in on the fact that this is not normal.

That says it all to me. Those that don't follow our plight that closely such as the BBC and Sky Sports can clearly see what's going on. At the same time we have a small minority of our fanbase totally taken in by it!


Well-Known Member
This is beginning to unravel into an embarrassing PR disaster. Whoever 'masterminded' this is gonna be in for a Seppaling....

The whole embargo thing did it. Had they just put a picture up on the website it would have just been more rubbish from SISU that few belive. Hyping it up with the embargo made it seem like huge news.


Well-Known Member
The whole embargo thing did it. Had they just put a picture up on the website it would have just been more rubbish from SISU that few belive. Hyping it up with the embargo made it seem like huge news.

That might be why some of the press might be a weeny bit sarcastic, don't like being messed about by someone clearly spinning a yarn...


Well-Known Member
Can't wait for the PR guy interviewed on the tele.

Interviewer: So where's the stadium actually going to be?

PR Guy: Guess!

Interviewer: You're not going to tell us?

PR Guy: No seriously, guess!!

Interviewer: If I guess correctly will you tell me if I'm right?

PR Guy: Nope.

Interviewer: And this stadium will have a 12,000 capacity, is that correct?

PR Guy: 15,000.

Interviewer: 15,000?

PR Guy: 18,000.

Interviewer: 18,000?

PR Guy: 23,000!

Interviewer: 23,000? Every time I say a number you just increase that number. Are you going to just keep on doing that?

PR Guy: 30,000!!

Interviewer: Are you saying the stadium is expandable?

PR Guy: Yep.

Interviewer: How is that?

PR Guy: It's built like an accordian and can increase from 12,000 to 30,000 just by playing C sharp on a knob by the car park.

Interviewer: Do you mean Tim Fisher?

PR Guy: Sorry, this interview is over!!

(PR Guy storms out, but walks the wrong way and ends up in the props department. Puts a bucket on his head and cries. 2 minutes later he bursts back into the studio and shines a holographic image of a football stadium on the Midlands Today parking lot, shouting 'There's the stadium, there! Plain as the nose on your face!')
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Well-Known Member
just seen it on midlands today. ML going on about a 2horse race again, the same argument that they are using against ACL/CCC in the JR.

what's good for the goose is apparently not good for the gander


Super Moderator
That says it all to me. Those that don't follow our plight that closely such as the BBC and Sky Sports can clearly see what's going on. At the same time we have a small minority of our fanbase totally taken in by it!

I'm not sure anyone is "taken in" by it. I think some realise that they may follow through on the threat of a new stadium if they have no other option (ie if the council refuse to budge).

Remember, most knew we would never actually play a game in Northampton. Most were wrong then and could be again.

All I am saying is this threat shouldn't be dismissed. We should be applying pressure on ALL sides to sort out the mess with the Ricoh.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure anyone is "taken in" by it. I think some realise that they may follow through on the threat of a new stadium if they have no other option (ie if the council refuse to budge).

Remember, most knew we would never actually play a game in Northampton. Most were wrong then and could be again.

All I am saying is this threat shouldn't be dismissed. We should be applying pressure on ALL sides to sort out the mess with the Ricoh.

Maybe they have an option of offering a bit more than the cost of the whole package of the inferior stadium.
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Well-Known Member
I'm not sure anyone is "taken in" by it. I think some realise that they may follow through on the threat of a new stadium if they have no other option (ie if the council refuse to budge)

How will they "have no other option"? You know "changing your demands" is an option for both sides right?

Give me a tenner or I'll have no option but to punch you in the face...

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