More Income Needed.... (1 Viewer)

Bennets Afro

Well-Known Member
If it comes in, then the financial fair play rules state that we have to live within our means... so what can we do to increase revenue????

I think SISU should be concentrating on this rather than cutting budgets, wages, etc

Clouting said on Thursday about getting more people attending games, but people are not gonna come if the product on the pitch is shit, so revenue needs to come from outside the football business.

How about the club buying the Rowleys Green Club and turning it into a supporters club (so it is an asset off CCFC not SISU). Surely a few grand every matchday, weddings, birthdays etc would help even if it pays for one players wages.

Anyone else have any ideas on how we could raise more revenue bearing in mind that even if Hoffman takes over, we still need to get more money coming into the club and not rely on selling our best players all the time???????


Well-Known Member
Only one thing really matters: get more fans up the Ricoh. Everything else is rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic.

And as SISU own CCFC, any asset of our is an asset of theirs.

Bennets Afro

Well-Known Member
If it was owned by the club then i am sure a lot more would use it. Anyway it was only an idea of increasing revenue, which we badly need

I am sure there are other ways of generating money


Well-Known Member
just boycot a match, the press it would get would really generate some interest

and dont give me any of this "harm the team cack", in reality, nothing harms the team like having McSheff and bell in it !


New Member
All future contracts should be based on team goals scored with deductions on team goals against, hang on, that'd mean they'd have to play as a team....clearly won't work...


Well-Known Member
What kind of potential investor would remain interested in thinking fan power was prepared to boycott the game if they didn't like things? Please can everyone stop suggesting that they think this is a good idea. It in no way helps the club or the players and causes unwelcome attention.

We can vent our anger in places like this, but our only job is to offer undivided support to the team when they play and let all things beyond our control take care of themselves. Protests don't work - even greater numbers at ManUre and Liverpool prove that. It doesn't show loyalty or passion, it shows petulence and propensity to cause trouble and if I was a neutral and looking to invest but undecided, then I know which way it would sway me.


New Member
Look how effective the Leeds protest has been.

There is very little fans can do in the current situation - the more who go the better off the club is, but while the club are not supporting the team how can they expect the fans to do so.


Well-Known Member
Well said Rob.

Also, considering the SISU out brigade's previous attempts at protests, I doubt anyone would notice.


Well-Known Member

I like this site, but anyone who thinks that SISU are bothered about this are on cloud 9...

at work, i am sure my team think i am a mupett, but i dont care..

however if they dont turn up for work, then thats a different matter !!!!

vote with your feet


New Member
Oh dear, we will be looking at the parks pitches for our signings if this comes in.

Peanuts will only attract monkeys.

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