New club statement (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Statement regarding recent events involving CCFC and the Ricoh Arena

Supporters will no doubt be aware that we have left the Ricoh Arena and all our staff have moved from our former offices there.

We are currently in contact with the Football League and discussing a suitable venue for our next game.

We realise how testing these times are for supporters and we appreciate everyone’s understandable concern.

We are seeking to resolve these issues as soon as possible and will keep everyone informed of developments


New Member
all statements from both side are just repeats of news we already know.

give us some FACTS you bar stewards

big nellie

New Member
Why dont they just say we want to get out of Coventry and never return as we will not get permission to build another stadium. R.I.P. C.C.F.C.

Jack Griffin

Unlikely, Waggot does actually talk sense sometimes.

Waggot is a football man not a money man. He is OK by & large and a damn sight better communicator than Andy Thorn was when he was in charge of scouting operations (and when he was the manager).


Well-Known Member
Stuart Linnell just read it out, saying it was a revised statement from ACL. I've tweeted him to say he got that wrong. Wonder if he'll admit to getting something wrong, or just overlook my tweet?

Yep, noted that too.

Sisu not ACL.

Confusing enough as it is without CWR attributing statements to the wrong party.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Stuart Linnell just read it out, saying it was a revised statement from ACL. I've tweeted him to say he got that wrong. Wonder if he'll admit to getting something wrong, or just overlook my tweet?

The sooner Eakin is restored to CWR from his sabbatical with the Bears the better.

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