The need for providing a decent housing has been gradually increasing in India and can be understood from its contribution to the national income, fixed capital formation and employment generation. During the last two decades, that is, from 1961-71 and 1971-81 the housing sector has contributed three to four per cent to the Gross National Product (GNP) at constant prices, with very few marginal fluctuations.
The fixed capital formation in residential buildings steadily increased from 11.2 percent in 1970-71 to 16.1 percent in 1984-85 of the gross capital formation. Employment in building construction increased from 12.76 percent in 1961 to 20.30 percent in 1981. The provision of a decent house can also fulfill many of the plan objectives, such a raising the quality of life, creating conditions which are conducive to the achievement of crucial objectives in terms of health, sanitation and education, creating substantial additional employment and dispersed economic activity; narrowing down differences in standards of living and last but not the least generating additional voluntary savings.
Due to the fast appreciation in value with respect to Kerala Real Estate , in recent times it has emerged as a major source of income to the state government. Thus now the state government has created several departments to manage the state of affairs in each of the 14 districts of the state. A minister is also in charge of the overall decision-making body.
Even then much more needs to be done to ensure a level playing field for all and to ensure the impossibility of the benami transactions in real estate. Such transactions always have resulted in great losses to the state government. Also the issue of under-reporting of the value involved in a land transaction is also a cause for worry and laws need to be put in place to check it.
At last someone on this site with a real appreciation of what matters to the footballing cognesenti of a Sky Blue gender. It's postings like this that keep me coming back to the site. Now if only he could come up with some method of providing decent crosses into the box for Juke our prayers would be answered.
More please.