During this enforced time at home, I've become increasingly obsessed with our old kits and wishing that I had the kits of my childhood in adult (well, adult Small, so only just adult) sizes. In particular the red away kit from 92, the green and black strip and purple Pony away kits and the red and blue 'Chelsea' kit. It's a shame the club cant sell modern replicas of some of our old kits to cash in on nostalgia-hungry idiots like me.
Does anyone know of anywhere good to find old kits?
I’m also trying to build a bit of a collection, managed to get a few on eBay in the last few years from the 90s and my uncle gifted me a few classics which he found whilst clearing the loft the 92/93 home kit which was in pristine condition was a personal favourite of mine.
Bit of a long shot but if anybody has any of the below knocking around that no longer fit or wanting to free up space etc would appreciate.
96/97 red and black checked away
93/94 red away
94/95 green away