Sisu are business men and women. They have no idea how to run a football club.
Business is all about two things, making a profit and customers. You have no customers, you have no business.
If Tesco wanted to put in place something which meant customers would be longer be able to get some of the products they wanted locally, the customers would be up in arms and Tesco would not implement the change.
Sisu are very much playing on the fact that we are CCFC supporters and the tie is so great between the club and the fans, that anything that is detrimental to the club is a real wrench and very much pulls at the heart strings.
We all have breaking points though and taking away the very thing we as fans love the most, i.e. the club, is totally self-defeating.
You take the club away from the fans, then there is no club. Any fool can surely see that.
Had a similar conversation with my boss today, he said 'come and get an ST with me at Old Trafford'. I said the difference with football is that when CCFC no longer exist then I will be lost to football. If Tesco's peed me off the way that SISU have I could go to Sainbury's, Morrison's, Asda whoever. But if I don't follow CCFC then I'm lost to football, end of. Take the club out of Coventry? It will be the end of CCFC. Stay at the Ricoh with SISU in charge will be a major problem now. All of the threats have pushed me well past my breaking point. The only way to get me back is with either believe that we are heading in the right direction or new owners.
I think you're right Noggin and to a point I think us being asked is merely ticking the box on the form under the 'things you must do in preparation to ground share' section - that's how I view the Fans Forums too - ticking the box to say they've consulted the fans.
I have been very grateful over the years to work for the club I support and it's given me many fantastic opportunities I wouldn't normally have like meeting/bumping in to former and current players and other CCFC figures, and of course working the concerts too and not forgetting the Olympic football (for which, we are paid by Compass - they (ACL/Compass) could and do get other 'event management staff' to cover some areas but it makes sense for them to employ staff who know the layout and operation of the stadium already etc) - all stuff I wouldn't get a chance to do - but I can't work there any more, it's not for me.
I know the general consensus is that Stewards aren't particularly well thought of, but I always tried to do my job from the fans perspective and when I had to enforce the stupid rules like 'no alcohol in view of the pitch' in the corporate boxes, I made a joke of it and spoke to the fans like people, explained I'm just doing my job and I need to be seen to be performing my job, in return they'd more than likely comply and maybe you'd have to gently nudge them once more during the game but that's it.
But when you're trying to tell a group of 12 people to sit down or not wander 1 cm outside their box with their pint glass, and we're in the middle of another transfer embargo and the rent hasn't been paid and we're loosing 0-2 at home and there isn't one positive to their day, and everything is "business as usual", and the club shop doesn't exist and no one knows where the last 3 home games of the season are going to be played, the last thing they want to hear is me being a jobs worth and ruining their day even more. That's why I can't work there any more.
An excellent post simmouk and good for you for sticking to your principles.
I can also only assume Walsall's manager saying it's not going to happen is either a)true or b) the ground share has been arranged over his head with the Tim Fisher equivalent at Walsall?
I doubt very much the Walsall manager has any say in the running of the club other than managing the team. When his overlords tell him to jump, he should ask how high, not why!