Rattles are Back ! (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
The camera panned on the crowd at the Wimbledon cup match verses Liverpool on Monday night and it thrilled me to see a few fans clicking rattles, I knew they'd make a comeback eventually ! But to be honest they do make a racket so they'd probably get on fans tits ! Best leave it down memory lane.


Well-Known Member
The camera panned on the crowd at the Wimbledon cup match verses Liverpool on Monday night and it thrilled me to see a few fans clicking rattles, I knew they'd make a comeback eventually ! But to be honest they do make a racket so they'd probably get on fans tits ! Best leave it down memory lane.

No way
Lets get majoring on this any noise is godsend
Puts the VuVuzela to shame


Said about this the other day, get some cheap ones in sky blue and get everybody waving them! Get the atmosphere going!


Well-Known Member
Looks like we've got some rattle fans !The ones we had in the sixties were wooden and fairly large,but they did make a good sound. but they just vanished could be because they could be used as a weapon ? But standing up in grounds is coming back so you never know !


Way before my time, but anything to get people rared up a bit more is a good thing!

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