Richard Keys tonight 15 Dec (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
procdoc3 Alan Proctor
@TSKeysandGray Rumours are circulating that Ken Dulieu is about to quit or be removed from CCFC, any substance to this Richard?
5 hours ago
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Richard Keys
@procdoc3 I do hope so. We need the lot out.

GordonDando Gordon Dando
@TSKeysandGray is there really someone out there who can save my sky blues. Keysy give us some hope or are we doomed.
5 minutes ago
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Richard Keys
@GordonDando There is. But SISU have to agree to sell. I don't know what's stopping them.


New Member
Starting to think this will never happen... Really want it to but just can't see SISU parting anytime soon


Well-Known Member
I know what's stopping them, it isn't rocket science. They still think they can get this club to break even and keep them in with a chance of recovering their money. They will continue to refuse to sell for the true value of the club (one pound max) until they give up and decide they will just keep on losing money.


New Member
Richard Keyes. If bullshit was Tarmac he'd have a very long drive. Seems to becoming the new "Hope Hoover" for desperate fans. Probably a SISU.*

* Yep x2


Well-Known Member
To me Keys said... let's see in 10 days (yesterday tweet)...

Today he is now saying not sure what is stopping them.

I don't think he knows if a deal will happen or not. Not as involved as he makes out.


Well-Known Member
To me Keys said... let's see in 10 days (yesterday tweet)...

Today he is now saying not sure what is stopping them.

I don't think he knows if a deal will happen or not. Not as involved as he makes out.

I've got no axe to grind with the chap and I hope that he's right, but it doesn't really seem like he has any new information. This is no different to the previous Hoff/SISU stand-off. I can't help but feel that Keys is just generating the usual sensationalist, self-publicising hyperbole that SKY and TalkSport are so verily fond of. Prove me wrong, Ape Man, prove me wrong!!!


Well-Known Member
Don't tell me some are being sceptical now.
It is good to get things moving with the media but I think Ken himself has maybe unwittingly created the sudden interest in what is happening at the club.
Good old Ken knew he was good for something.

Bennets Afro

Well-Known Member
Maybe Ken realisies that SISU need to leave and him stepping down and doing what he did has brought much unawanted attention to the club hoping to force SISU's hand

Only a thought


Well-Known Member
Which is why it has'nt been announced yet ,to fuck wiith you're minds .

Again, rather than conspiracy, I'm inclined to think that they are now just pretty determined and steadfast in the contempt they hold the fans in. They think "all they do is moan, they aren't grateful..and what's it to them? We are the owners. In no other business do the customers make such intolerable demands on the owners. Why should we tell them anything?"

Thus summing up why they don't, nay can't, understand or succeed at football. We're from a different planet to these zokoids.

Jack Griffin

To me Keys said... let's see in 10 days (yesterday tweet)...

Today he is now saying not sure what is stopping them.

I don't think he knows if a deal will happen or not. Not as involved as he makes out.

The guy who tweeted you was St. Michael Life loving Sky Blue fan and golfing Orlando addict!!!

He didn't retweet Keys, he said ...
St. Michael
MrBluesky1883 St. Michael
@ccfcfan @SkyBlueBen He replied to my earlier tweet saying that if he and consortium have not 'sorted' things in 10 days.Theyl'll go public
MrBluesky1883 St. Michael
"@SkyBluesTalk: Keys tweet: @MrBluesky1883 keep the faith guys. Give us 10 days - and if nothing happens then we'll go VERY public. http://t

So it could be all made up bollocks!
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Well-Known Member
in my experience richard keys seems to speak the truth even if it is obvious sometimes....not sure why anyone would find that a reason to dislike him


Well-Known Member
Anyone that gives free national press in relation to the current plight of our club is doing a good thing. He is exactly the sort of person the club fans need, and the sort of fan Sisu would have nightmares about...Keep it up Keys, and that goes for anyone with any power to talk on national or local media outlets to find out why Sisu are still hanging on and what the future holds for the club.

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
I don't use Twatter. Don't understand all this "tweeting" crap. It all sounds childish gibberish to me. "Follow me, follow me!" Sounds like a gay being chased! :D

Sterling Archer

Well-Known Member
Keys hasnt got a clue what is going on, he is just trying to act and seem important. When was the last time he watched Coventry play? Anything he does Coventry related is to just feed his ego. The blokes a twat.

Senior Vick from Alicante

Well-Known Member
Keys hasnt got a clue what is going on, he is just trying to act and seem important. When was the last time he watched Coventry play? Anything he does Coventry related is to just feed his ego. The blokes a twat.

What ever you do sterling dont ever sit on the fence. Every time some one tweets something bad about SISU or our plight it draws attention to whats going on at the club, if Craig Bellamy was tweeting about it I would think it was good even though most city fans would chase his arse out of town. Any bad publicity is good publicity at the moment in my opinion. SISU OUT SUPPORT THE BOYCOTT PUSB.

Sterling Archer

Well-Known Member
I agree but holding up Keys in some sort of 'holier than thou' fan/face of the fans type character is misleading. I know people who know him and have heard some great libellous stories about the bloke. He's a plastic fairweather fan though. Has probably only been to the Ricoh 2/3 times since it opened, if that.

As for fence sitting, too uncomfortable for me. Nobody wants splinters in their arse. :D

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