Said it after Stoke but I am still waiting for some of the thunder twats on Twitter to admit they were wrong.
Genuinely laughable that people said he’s not good enough for us.
Everyone deserves a chance to show their true worth.
We give up on players far too easily and dismiss them far too easily too.
Even just these past two seasons, it's been Saka, JDS, Kitching, Thomas, Binks, Lati, MVE, Torp, Eccles, Sheaf, EMC, Wright, Simms, even, Dovin. Allen has had more than his fair share of pelters too over the years
Been pretty much every single player.
JDS has been labelled as shite so many times now.
He clearly has frailties and he does worry me at the back, the same as his does for other posters. He's always much better that bit further out from the defence, but shite? Even if anyone doesn't think he's that good, he's clearly not shite. He proved on Saturday that he's not shite. There is a player in there.
Personally, I don't think he's good enough for the quality we need in that position going forward, but he's clearly not an awful player.
The worst thing though I find, is writing new players off far too early. Happened with Wright and Simms and EMC etc.
You have to give players time and a chance to adjust to a new club. Some players click immediately, others, it takes time to settle. Clearly happened with EMC
And with Saka, we just needed to give him time following his injury. It was a nasty injury and it's clearly taken some time for him to get back to where he was before the lay-off.
He's now back to looking the form he showed before