You know actually, your best policy might be to try a bit of reverse psychology if they are not very old. Befriend them to a point, get them to run a few little errands for you for a few quid or some sweets/a football/magazines. Actually slip them a few quid to mind your pad for you. Turn the tables, could be a lot cheaper and easier in the long run.
You know actually, your best policy might be to try a bit of reverse psychology if they are not very old. Befriend them to a point, get them to run a few little errands for you for a few quid or some sweets/a football/magazines. Actually slip them a few quid to mind your pad for you. Turn the tables, could be a lot cheaper and easier in the long run.
Yeah I guess so, but then it sounds like these sort of kids parents probably don't pay them a lot of attention anyway !? Might be better if his Mrs could do it in that case ?