Video Sheffield United v Coventry City Highlights (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Have we sold it in some way,or is it just the assuming power over the Fa?
I mean they don't appear to have any say on terrestrial TV ,a certain amount of time after.
Maybe we could have them on the time difference?


Well-Known Member
Have we sold it in some way,or is it just the assuming power over the Fa?
I mean they don't appear to have any say on terrestrial TV ,a certain amount of time after.
Maybe we could have them on the time difference?
Having given it some thought, we should just tell UEFA to Fuck Right Off with extreme prejudice.

I cant be the only one who gets sick of other people sticking their oars in and interfering in what we can do in this country.
We should have left Europe to it in 1939, we might still have a beautiful medieval city to enjoy. Instead of which we are told we can’t indulge in the masochistic past time of watching extended highlights of OUR football team being well beaten by another ENGLISH football team in an ENGLISH stadium playing in the ENGLISH Football League, the reason for that denial being a copyright claim by a European football organisation. Fikaj kutoj (Esperanto, there are quite a few variants of the english second word - as indeed there are for the English word).

it should be FA to do with UEFA.

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