Slight Downtime on Tuesday (1 Viewer)


There was a little bit of downtime (15 - 30 minutes) on Tuesday towards the end of the Palace game.

We seemed to get a shed load of people trying to get on the site and it happened to be the same time that backups on the server that hosts the site were running so it gave the server a good hammering and caused some "Database Errors".

To stop it happening again I have just ordered a higher end server to host the site to ensure it can cope with the very maximum of traffic that might happen if we were to sign somebody new or win a game! :facepalm:

It might mean a bit of down time (time and date will be confirmed, but I will do it late at night so it won't affect many people) while it moves over to the new server but then it should hopefully be a bit faster as well as some planned maintenance I have to optimise the site a bit more to make load times faster.

All I can do is apologise for the inconvenience and hopefully it won't happen again!


Well-Known Member
I did notice that Nick, I am sure what i was going to post would of been out of pure anger, so you prob did me a favour:). Doing a great job


It probably was the server just objecting to the amount of swearwords and giving up :eek:


Well-Known Member
....."sign somebody new or win a game!:facepalm:" These days I get excited when we get past the half-way line.;)


Well-Known Member
when was that,

can someone show evidence of this gung ho past the half way line incident ?


New Member
when was that,

can someone show evidence of this gung ho past the half way line incident ?

It was a mis-hit back pass from Cranie


New Member
Thats how i use the forum usually but for some reason i keep getting this message, and i quote "Failed to connect to forum, please contact forum administrator if this problem persists."


Sorry, was a bit more today while the server was upgraded.

I was out so couldn't get on to post a pre warning!

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