Steward (3 Viewers)


I was in cet stand and saw a steward running throwing punches, not right surely??



All stewards are pricks,jumped up little jobsworth hitlers,who only go to get in free!!!
I was in cet stand and saw a steward running throwing punches, not right surely??


Well-Known Member
Nick you have to report it and hopefully others will,if a fan did that he would be arrested.


New Member
I thought the way some of the invaders were held down was a disgrace... Disgrace is one of the most over used words used at the moment, but I mean it in its full context! Some had barely got on the pitch but were held by their faces.

Shameful behaviour.


New Member
All stewards are pricks,jumped up little jobsworth hitlers,who only go to get in free!!!

Dissagree with ya mate.. try wearing the silly coat for a season and you will see that you are damed if you do / dont

Yes I am retired Steward ... only did it for the love of my club


Well-Known Member
The fat one who couldn't catch the bloke who kept turning to taunt him was easily my moment of the day! He ducked and swerved a couple of tackles before that, too! Our stewards were utterly inept: they didn't even the notice the guy in the goal mouth at first, and there was one guy who did a slow-motion jog across the pitch until he was behind the goal without anybody even trying to stop or catch him!

Brilliant entertainment, we should do it every week until SISU go!


Well-Known Member
No one else see the old steward, bout 60 years plus, get hit in the head by the bottle? Poor guy looked in a lot of pain. Hope the person who chucked it gets what he deserves.


Silly little coat,Why did you do it then,yes i love my club but could never be a stewardI could never throw someone out for swearing or standing up after theyve done a hard weeks graft.
Chief stewards says jump they say how high boss!!!
Dissagree with ya mate.. try wearing the silly coat for a season and you will see that you are damed if you do / dont

Yes I am retired Steward ... only did it for the love of my club


Well-Known Member
i was in block 17 where it was al happening one of out fans all most broke one of there legs and he came charging back at him


Well-Known Member
I was disgusted at one woman that brought down a lad about 12 cause he was standing on the advertise board railings.

Surely they should realise what has happened today, to know that it was going to kick off in certain ways.


Well-Known Member
They must have been given directives before the game to stamp out any disorder with force...thick wannabe police cnuts


Well-Known Member
Can we just add for clarity there are two bands of stewards. The decent ones who wear green and the tossers who wear orange. I saw a few berating the normal decent fans doing a job and lumping them all in together which wasn't fair. The orange thugs deserve all they get.


Chief Commentator!
I don't condone actions of the morons who got on the pitch / tried to, but not do I condone 'alleged' violence from staff employed to ensure spectator safety. Not sure if you go to games, but if you do, I'm sure your familiar with the heavy handiness of the men and women in Orange?


Well-Known Member
Can we just add for clarity there are two bands of stewards. The decent ones who wear green and the tossers who wear orange. I saw a few berating the normal decent fans doing a job and lumping them all in together which wasn't fair. The orange thugs deserve all they get.

I agree about there being 2 types of stewards, one of the 'green' stewards got hit by a bottle, looked like it really hurt him, was an old fella as well. The orange lot are a bunch of power hungry goons who only pick on teenagers.


Well-Known Member
So as mature adults, you cannot control yourselves? You've been relegated before, so why the tears?
Man up or face the consequences of trying to run on the pitch

No tears mate just people who are fans of a football team and spend money to watch them being very angry,its called being human

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