The club spent more on wages to get promoted than it did to stay up, quite remarkable really that Robins wage bill relative to income was lower last season than the promotion season.
Turnover will be up this season as will wages but I'm guesstimating wages will be in the 90-100% of turnover by y/e 22. Turnover been 15-16m and wages 15m ish
Wages exceeded turnover in 20/21. Turnover £11.8m to £13.2m wages.
In 2019 /20 it was turnover £ 5.1 to wages £6.5m
Player sales covered the gap. Running at a turnover deficit means player sales essential
You would reasonably expect wages to have grown again this season together increases in turnover and overheads with no £0.5m in government grants.
That all said it isnt what the profit and loss says it is what the cash flow was like that is critical to ccfc and its owners. 2020 year end that positive 1.1m and in 2021 positive £1.4m
Cash flow being what is actually received or spent and not an accounting calculation Of a profit which includes things like interest that hasn't been physically paid out.