Th Best and the Worst of Football (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
On the radio just now they were discussing what was the best thing about football ? The best for me is the friendship with fellow fans,obviously winning,watching a great goal,and being a loyal fan. The worst things are plastic Premier League fans,racist fans,obscene wages,and overrated players. Any other suggestions ?


New Member
Well sisu are defo one of the worst things in football.the untouchable dream of a takeover is one of the best


Well-Known Member
Bad: Attention seeking refs, owners who want the limelight, diving, spitting, players rolling round the floor as if shot, prices. Sky TV, FIFA

Good: stand side by side with another support you dont know and going mad with each other when the team scores. Giant killing, away cup win, anticipation at the first game of the season

Terry Gibson's perm

Well-Known Member
Bad Blatter,agents, racism and everybody in the game is overpaid

Good It's the greatest game on earth and people can just get a ball and play anywhere in the world

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