A living legend
Left his home in scotland at 5am and drove down to be with us yesterday.
I was fortunate to spend most of the day with him,him and wally told me a story that Gordon Milne said Thursday nights was players night.Where all the team would go out together sometimes to the Rainbow in Allesley or the Minstral boy.But on more than one occasion they were at the Devonshire Arms,each player had to by every one a round so that was about 14 pints a round,Hutch always got the first so he could sit down for the rest of the night being waited on.He made a point that he never ever drunk on a friday.On a Monday night he would be in the Rainbow with Colin Stein playing 5's and 3's dominoes.Stein told me he now has more trophies for dominoes then football.
PS hope everyone that was in the casino afterwards enjoyed mixing with these players.The 15 min clip I shown in there is too big to upload on here.I have put it on my oldcoventry film site http://oldcoventryonfilm.vidmeup.com/view?q=513335c651401.flv