You can create a terrorism act that allows detention without trial for a specified period (say 6 months) if as we are told intelligence suggests some of these people are known suspects
I'm sure you feel very clever with yourself showing Jo Coxs killer but the reality is he was definately acting alone and posed a threat to only one individual. However, if the police thought he wss a potential threat under he act he could ne detained couldn't he?
People say that these terrorists act alone and are sad losers. Fine. Let's bring back the death penalty for convicted terrorists then at least it would save money - or perhaps we should continue giving them legal aid as we are with one of Lee Rigbys assassins.
I'm not saying I agree with it any of it but let's not pretend things couldn't be done.
Well that's 10 minutes pointless reading time I can never get back, but I'm more outraged some people still don't rate Jacob Murphy and wont admit they wrre wrong. I spent months defending him and yet I get pelted for low scoring Beavon and Vincenti. I think i know who I'd rather have!
He was a burden on the team here more than he was a positive. It has been argued to death. Literally no one could name more than 5 games that he was good here either.
He was a burden on the team here more than he was a positive. It has been argued to death. Literally no one could name more than 5 games that he was good here either.
best thing is you typed a sentence detailing how he SIGNED FOR A PREMIER LEAGUE TEAM FOR 12.5M yet none of that registers with you and you still think you were right to say he is shit hahah
best thing is you typed a sentence detailing how he SIGNED FOR A PREMIER LEAGUE TEAM FOR 12.5M yet none of that registers with you and you still think you were right to say he is shit hahah