Ermmmm.. that War Council idea is no more than an idea proposed by former full back 'Spider' Chris Catlin for an informal brainstorm by the old guard who hold have the club at heart, in no way is it a bid, more like a round of drinks.
Ermmmm.. that War Council idea is no more than an idea proposed by former full back 'Spider' Chris Catlin for an informal brainstorm by the old guard who hold have the club at heart, in no way is it a bid, more like a round of drinks.
I cannot imagine what value that would add perhaps a sunday lunch as well. The facts are the game has changed so much and people from yesterday cannot relate to the game we watch week in week out.
I notice they didn,t include in the Sillett interveiw the bit where when asked about the war council said (paraphrased) I don't think thats a good Idea.