They can certainly request not to have home games on certain days, guess it depends how charitable the FL are feeling as the regulations do say that we should have primacy. The get out might be if we can get the police to request any moves on safety grounds.
Of course the playing on Sunday in Northampton was more of an inconvenience than the odd game moved here in Coventry. You can't argue otherwise and it's pointless second guessing what might happen next season.
The difference was that was 2 FL games clashing as we moved after the fixtures had been released. Once we come to the end of this temporary deal the FL might not be so accommodating. There was pressure on them for us to return so it suited them to use their discretion over things such as rental agreement length and primacy.
It could be disastrous next season....the football league won't allow this too often. Not sure what the penalties for not fulfilling a fixture cos there another event on might be