"Odious" = Otium (1 Viewer)

Now, isn't that more fitting! ;)
Particularly apt considering who the directors are, methinks :D
Just my opinion though.

Thought the FL were meeting today - or is it Wednesday?


Well-Known Member
"Odius" = Otium

Brilliant, mate!!! Nice one! LOL!!!

I've got one as well:

"Scrotium" = Otium!!! Love it! LOL!
Much better :):):) I bow to the superior intellect, which I think someone on Star Trek said :thinking about:

"Odius" = Otium

Brilliant, mate!!! Nice one! LOL!!!

I've got one as well:

"Scrotium" = Otium!!! Love it! LOL!


Well-Known Member
Otimatum. That's a kind of Otium/Ultimatum hybrid which anyone is welcome to use in a "We should give Fisher an Oltimatum" kind of context. Or maybe even oltimatim.

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