:wave: Nick! No, 'we' don't. Can't take credit for home games but I do take time off work to do events like today!
Then again, we don't do it for anything in return. Just like to do something that benefits the future fan and family supporters!
Just got home after leaving this morning st 9am. Think it was a success, although we needed more room it was such a good turn out!
I didn't get to see the real reindeer having spent all my time on the tombola! Hopefully anyone who had a go for something out of it (and to those who didn't, sorry
Hopefully the club will put out a statement of how successful it was. And apart from the queues, which every activity appeared to have, everyone enjoyed themselves!!
Any feedback welcome on this post and I will ensure its passed back to the team, and the club if necessary.
Merry Christmas all!