Will AT be gone before West Ham (4 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Just a little gauge on peoples views on weather AT wil be gone before West Ham.
I know there is a lot on here at the moment about the squad etc etc(Personally I think they are good enough to get out of the mess but most cannot be bothered and are too busy picking up there fat pay check for doing nothing), however do you think he will be gone one way or the other?
I think he will be gone sooner rather than latter maybe before the next game.
Now I know the squad size is not his fault but ask yourself this, surely there is something lacking not just squad depth because for some reason some players can't be arsed anymore (he more or less said this himself last week).
Is this because of freddies treatment, where a few are very good friends of his and they don't like it?
Is it because they want AT out for some reason or another?
Is it because they plainly don't give a shit about what they do on the pitch as they will get paid anyway?
Either way I think he's doomed any time soon.


Well-Known Member
No, it will be here till the end of the season. No matter is in charge we are still going down. No stadium, no funds, no hope


Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
No, it will be here till the end of the season. No matter is in charge we are still going down. No stadium, no funds, no hope

Not so sure. Sisu and the board will surely want to deflect the flak from themselves. Sacking the manager and blaming him for our woes will give them a bit more time as any new guy will get the grace of bedding in. Certainly would suit our board perfectly to sack Thorn and put Lee Carsley in charge.

I see the Under 18's won yet again yesterday. Top of the league.

'COVENTRY City Under 18s wrapped up a sixth consecutive win in the Premier Academy League courtesy of a Billy Daniels spot kick.

The young striker continued his rich vein of form infront of the net by converting from the penalty spot and protecting the Sky Blues' position at the top of their league group.'

Six wins in a row. We can only dream.
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Well-Known Member
I can't see this. As far as fans are concerned SISU are the bad guys and the majority feel sorry for Thorne, so the ploy wouldn't work. Thorne's record isn't good, but he's operating with one hand tied behind his back and who else would we get? Carsley? Oggy? God, help us if any of those two were in charge.

Not so sure. Sisu and the board will surely want to deflect the flak from themselves. Sacking the manager and blaming him for our woes will give them a bit more time as any new guy will get the grace of bedding in. Certainly would suit our board perfectly to sack Thorn and put Lee Carsley in charge.

I see the Under 18's won yet again yesterday. Top of the league.


Well-Known Member
I can't see this. As far as fans are concerned SISU are the bad guys and the majority feel sorry for Thorne, so the ploy wouldn't work. Thorne's record isn't good, but he's operating with one hand tied behind his back and who else would we get? Carsley? Oggy? God, help us if any of those two were in charge.

Why do you say that? Not slating Thorn here, but on what authority do you think Carsley would be a bad manager? Why god help us? We have no idea whatsoever what sort of manager Carsley would be.

Daft comment. Typical of City fans to slate someone before they have even been given a chance.


Well-Known Member
Carsley it is then if the under 18's are top of the league :thinking about:he is already here so cheap option again, maybe AT stays and goes back to scouting that way sisu don't have to pay him for being sacked.
Scouting for what reason i'm not sure but no pay off needed.


Well-Known Member
Because apart from Bryan Richardson's massive contribution to our current situation the other dollop of idiocy given to us by successive regimes is the tendency to employ unproven, untried and inexperienced managers. From Butcher to McAllister and beyond we've had failure after failure.

We're not in the position to "give someone a go" and see what they can do. I'm not slating for the sake of it, believe it or not, I just don't think the time is right to see if they can make a decent go of it. We need experience, not a novice who only gave us playing this year.

Why do you say that? Not slating Thorn here, but on what authority do you think Carsley would be a bad manager? Why god help us? We have no idea whatsoever what sort of manager Carsley would be.

Daft comment. Typical of City fans to slate someone before they have even been given a chance.


Well-Known Member
Because apart from Bryan Richardson's massive contribution to our current situation the other dollop of idiocy given to us by successive regimes is the tendency to employ unproven, untried and inexperienced managers. From Butcher to McAllister and beyond we've had failure after failure.

We're not in the position to "give someone a go" and see what they can do.

but that's exactly what we've done with Thorn. :facepalm: I ask again, why "god help us" if Carsley takes over. He could be crap he could be brilliant. Unless of course you have a crystal ball?


Well-Known Member
Yes, that what we did with Thorn, but our position was certainly no where near as perilous as it is now. "God Help Us" because we desperately need points and someone to get us out of this mess. Someone who has never been a manager isn't the way to go. They might as well ask you or me to do it. We've got as much managerial experience as he has. In fact, I rather have one of those blokes who spends hours in their bedroom on Championship Manager as boss.

Yep, he could be crap, he could be brilliant. I really don't think we can take the risk at the moment.

but that's exactly what we've done with Thorn. :facepalm: I ask again, why "god help us" if Carsley takes over. He could be crap he could be brilliant. Unless of course you have a crystal ball?


Well-Known Member
Yes, that what we did with Thorn, but our position was certainly no where near as perilous as it is now. "God Help Us" because we desperately need points and someone to get us out of this mess. Someone who has never been a manager isn't the way to go. They might as well ask you or me to do it. We've got as much managerial experience as he has. In fact, I rather have one of those blokes who spends hours in their bedroom on Championship Manager as boss.

Yep, he could be crap, he could be brilliant. I really don't think we can take the risk at the moment.

Sorry, but WE DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY! If Thorn was sacked it would be Carsley. I don't want to see Thorn sacked, but it would be an easy option for the board and if Carsley was to be the manager I don't think comments like "god help us" help in anyway, shape or form.

For me if Thorn is sacked then I would totally back Carsley and wouldn't be saying "god help us" before he has even taken the reigns.


Well-Known Member
No, I know we don't have any money, which is why we should stick with Thorn. If my comments don't help then neither do the growing number of people who want him sacked.

If Thorn does get the chop and Carsley or Oggy are our only hope then, I'm sorry, but God help us! And similarly, I would back Carsley as I would any manager or player at Coventry City.

I think you'll find I'm one of the more positive folk on here. We have numb skulls on here who want the team to lose. Maybe they should be the focus of your wrath.

Sorry, but WE DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY! If Thorn was sacked it would be Carsley. I don't want to see Thorn sacked, but it would be an easy option for the board and if Carsley was to be the manager I don't think comments like "god help us" help in anyway, shape or form.

For me if Thorn is sacked then I would totally back Carsley and wouldn't be saying "god help us" before he has even taken the reigns.


Well-Known Member
What are WE going to do about it?

OK OK...the board is crap we all know it...and AT is doing his best with a sinking ship...unfortunately his best isn't good enough right now. Can't help thinking though that there's is more we could be doing than just spouting off on this site. Can't help thinking the team would get one helluva lift to see a decent crowd turn up. A crowd that makes a bit of noise and expresses it's passion for the team it loves. You've got to ask who really cares about this club, and the answer is us. But we're not helping ourselves sitting around slagging off all the bad stuff with the club. The team need to feel support regardless, so what are we going to do about it??? I live in London and get to a many games as possible...not cheap...but my arse is on a seat...not to pay the board...to let the team know there is support...and having supported Coventry City since 1965 as a young lad, I know those times when I've been on the terrace and left the game hoarse because I've been part of a crowd who really cared! And a crowd who could leave the ground after a loss but still have genuine constructive criticism to make, rather than have nothing but doom and destruction to spread...very depressing....and if I ever stop going, it won't be because I'm disillusioned with the club...it would be because I was sick of all the depressive non supportive talk after the game...often when we've won. If we are to put passion back into the game at Coventry City, a lot of it is done to us...and although I too am angry about what's going on, blaming others never did any good.


Well-Known Member
We all know who's to blame for the predicament were in at the moment and they will be gone ONE day when they get what they want, and the only definate here is that the manager will be gone sooner or latter as unfortunatly the players can't be sacked for what they do on the pitch.
But is sooner better than latter?
Maybe a change will give us a honeymoon period to kick start the season before it is to late? maybe Carsley to take charge while a decent replacement is found.
Whatever happens I think it needs to happen soon otherwise we are really in the shit and before long AT will start getting the flack from the fans, maybe a sisu ploy to take the flack from them doubt it but you never know.


Well-Known Member
Lee Carsley could turn out to be a good manager
He could also turn out to be gash.

But until he is given a chance, no one would know.

Andy Thorn's Skyblue army.

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
I think that AT could step down and return to what he does best - scouting for us. Yes, let's give Carsley a crack. He's shown his worth with the young lads.
Why not? What have we got to lose? As much as I like Andy Thorn, his lack of experience shows through and he hasn't got the respect from the team.


Well-Known Member
I think that AT could step down and return to what he does best - scouting for us. Yes, let's give Carsley a crack. He's shown his worth with the young lads.
Why not? What have we got to lose? As much as I like Andy Thorn, his lack of experience shows through and he hasn't got the respect from the team.

You say that but if when there isn't an upturn in fortunes, everyone will be calling for Carsley's head, saying we need to get an experienced manager.

I love the fact that people are saying that it is Carsley that has made the Youth Team great, and not Gregor Rioch who has been heading the academy system and youth development for the last few years. :whistle:

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
I only agree with bringing in Carsley because he is already within CCFC framework and is on the payroll. OK, let's offer Gregor Rioch the same! (Gotta be OK if his names an anagram of RICOH!!) ;)


Well-Known Member
the second sentence about Carlsey wasn't aimed at your Houchen - just an observation that people are assuming the Academies good run is all Carlsey.


Well-Known Member
We weren't top of the table when Carsley wasn't here last season though were we? Do take your point though.

People are only saying Carsley because they know we have no money and the likelihood is that an appointment would be made from within the club. That leaves pretty much Carsley, Harrison and Oggy.

Maybe it would be Rioch and Carsley. Just don't understand about anyone being negative about Carsley when everyone was fully behind Andy Thorn. And remember, we had no idea how Thorn would do and besides, Andy Thorn is in reality, a scout!!
Sacking AT is pointless. You could have the best manager in the world here & the results would be the same. Its a combination of some of the players knowing there is little challenge to their positions & consequently not putting in the effort, and some who are unable to self-motivate & fight through the adversity. The only way to change this would be for AT to get more of his own players in, and for the squad to be increased. As sisu seem to regard spending money on the team as something to be avoided, I can't see this happening anytime soon.

Unfortunately, the feckless wonders we have in charge at the moment might sack him to gain a little credibility with those supporters who feel the situation is ATs fault. I personally feel that given the right resources, AT would be a good manager for us.

My real problem is comprehending why sisu would feel our relegation is beneficial to them financially? I'm not sure which is worse: cold & ruthless to make themselves money at the club's/supporters expense, or just so feckless they've not realised what relegation would mean.


Well-Known Member
Has Carsley not played football at decently coached clubs in the recent past, completed high level coaching badges and is showing this with what he has in front of him?


Well-Known Member
Sacking AT is pointless. You could have the best manager in the world here & the results would be the same. Its a combination of some of the players knowing there is little challenge to their positions & consequently not putting in the effort, and some who are unable to self-motivate & fight through the adversity. The only way to change this would be for AT to get more of his own players in, and for the squad to be increased. As sisu seem to regard spending money on the team as something to be avoided, I can't see this happening anytime soon.

Unfortunately, the feckless wonders we have in charge at the moment might sack him to gain a little credibility with those supporters who feel the situation is ATs fault. I personally feel that given the right resources, AT would be a good manager for us.

My real problem is comprehending why sisu would feel our relegation is beneficial to them financially? I'm not sure which is worse: cold & ruthless to make themselves money at the club's/supporters expense, or just so feckless they've not realised what relegation would mean.

I do think someone could better than Thorn for sure. Though not significantly so. He has made errors that have cost us points. I don't want him sacked and still back him, but if we can get the tactics and motivation right then we would be a little bit higher up the league. Am convinced of that. Not sure Thorn is that good with tactics and the motivation of players seems poor at times too.


Well-Known Member
Big difference is we did know what Thorn could do-he got the job based on a stunning turn-around in form and style whilst caretaker manager. He's proven he can do a decent job with even a few half-decent players. Carsley has proven nothing.

Thorn has watched more than enough games in his capacity as scout to have formed strong opinions on tactics, formations, etc. Carsley has just retired, and has spoken about how Thorn is proving a great help to him and is "showing him the ropes", and how it feels like being a rookie player all over again. You don't fire the master and hire his apprentice!

Anyway if we get a takeover, Thorn will definitely be secure in his job. A lot more so than if SISU remain as our "custodians".


New Member
It has to be a possibility simply because there's no game for a fortnight and would give a new incumbant a bit of time with the players, i am certain if a change was made Lee from Keresley will be in the hot-seat atleast for a month or two, why else is he still here.


Well-Known Member
No wasn't getting at Carsley, and I can understand why he will probably be our next manager.

No I don't think the academy were top of the league last year, but I know they had a lot of young players and similarly to this year were without some of the more senior players for large parts of the season - Clarke, Cameron, Thomas, Jeffers, Wilson & Quirke were either around the first team or out on loan.

What I don't except is people wanting thorn sacked because he has no experience, but they want carsley in charge because he's got more badges. He's still got less managerial experience than thorn. Harrison must be one of the most qualified coaches in England.


Well-Known Member
Rather have Carsley than Harrison though. This is solely based on Harrison being under three failed managers here and at least having some input in the playing side of things.


Well-Known Member
What do people expect from AT? Yes he's made a few mistakes but what does he have to work with? How many of our present squad are either experienced enough and good enough for this division? If our entire squad was put up for sale how many would be snapped up by other Championship sides? Murphy, Keogh, Wood, Cranie, Clingan and Juke apart from those is anyone going to buy McSheff, Baker, Deegan, Bell, McPake etc? We have an amazingly small and inexperienced squad and we desperately need some new players and thats not going to happen. The players are simply not good enough, they are not stupid and realise that they are doomed and how can AT motivate or threaten them? There is no pressure on any off them as they don't care - Bell, Baker, McPake has his future sorted for 4 years no matter what happens to the club so why should they give a monkeys - and their recent performances show that. Buck up or I'll drop you? Hardly a threat to our useless lumps who don't care if they play or not.


Well-Known Member
What do people expect from AT? Yes he's made a few mistakes but what does he have to work with? How many of our present squad are either experienced enough and good enough for this division? If our entire squad was put up for sale how many would be snapped up by other Championship sides? Murphy, Keogh, Wood, Cranie, Clingan and Juke apart from those is anyone going to buy McSheff, Baker, Deegan, Bell, McPake etc? We have an amazingly small and inexperienced squad and we desperately need some new players and thats not going to happen. The players are simply not good enough, they are not stupid and realise that they are doomed and how can AT motivate or threaten them? There is no pressure on any off them as they don't care - Bell, Baker, McPake has his future sorted for 4 years no matter what happens to the club so why should they give a monkeys - and their recent performances show that. Buck up or I'll drop you? Hardly a threat to our useless lumps who don't care if they play or not.

It's a real brain-ache for me this one on the AT front. Fully take onboard the tiny squad, young players, no investment and massive task he has here.

On the flip side of the coin we have two forwards in Juke and Cody who don't play within 20 yards of each other, a midfield that fails to support the front two and a real lack of off the ball movement. Now this is all down to tactics. Doesn't matter how good a player you are, you can still go forwards and support the attack and move into space. It's not rocket science. Down to the tactics unfortunately.

Think Thorn is getting a lot of stuff wrong. He seems to think we are unlucky and results will come. Well, if we keep playing this way they won't. if we only play pass ball in our own half we won't win games and if we don't get the midfield to support the attack we won't score enough goals and if we don't score enough goals we won't win games.

I do sit there at the Ricoh and just wonder what Thorn is trying to do. McDonald and Juke need to play closer together and the midfield needs to play higher up the field when we are in possession and in training he needs to practice 'touch and move into space.' Now don't tell me any professional footballer can't do that!


Well-Known Member
Thete is too much being said on what could change to give us a better chance of staying up. The two things we need more than anything else is a few more decent players and SISU gone.

Paxman II

Well-Known Member
If Thorn is fired then it will be to get a manager of experience in to try and stem the tide. There is no point in appointing an untried and tested manager (as with Thorn) like Carsley.
As for money? There are some experienced guys out there who would jump at the chance even on low money! How much do you think a manager earns anyway at this level? £200k - £300k? ( I suspect Thorns probably on less than 150k)
I bet there's plenty that will do it for less. It's a lot more than you and I earn!!
A good investment if he keeps us up. Worth a bonus in the contract if he does right?

Paxman II

Well-Known Member
Otis; said it before...coaching ability! Both Thorn, Harrison and even Oggy are getting something wrong. Stubborn perhaps?

The last two goals were catastrophic errors by our defenders and goalkeeper...can't be argued. 2-2 end 2-4 because of it.
Thorn must be able to react to that..

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