as for saying the protests dont help obtain inward investment, then I totally agree. However had there been meaningful accurate communication with the fans, had the fans been made to feel involved in the club they love, had there been a little less secrecy and a bit more openness then there would not have been the protests.
Personally had the Board/SISU laid the financial info properly on the line, not spouted off the cuff estimates,not filed accounts late, got to grips with the finances from the start, given some leadership, spelt out the way forward then I could have gone with that.
Had they said from the start - we have little money, we will invest what we have in our academy, make modest purchases/loans etc if we can, the ride might be tough to begin with but we need to get the finances right, the team may struggle for a while but we will come back from a strong financial base that will let us buy the stadium back and improve the team to really challenge in this league then I could have understood and bought into that.
Getting the finances right was always going to be a bitter pill from the fans but they had a glorious opportunity to do it when they took over and totally fluffed it. The key to all this has always been the finances and to deal with it was always going to break eggs with the fans - but it is how you break the eggs that is important
Fact is they didnt get it right, they stumbled from one crisis to another, did not control the business they acquired from the start (the most important and vulnerable time in any takeover), their PR has been contradictory at best, their strategy shrouded in secrecy with no great efforts to empower and include the fans - Is it any wonder some fans are moved to protest.
Think Mr Brody would have to admit that the protests are a direct result of failings by the Board and SISU