Not any one project in particular
And of course the ownership of the Higgs Centre has recently changed, or is shortly to change - not sure if its actually happened yet.
But what you have quoted specifically indicates that their next project was Drapers Hall doesnt it?
The Trustees only have to justify their actions to the charity Commission. Is there a registered change in charity objectives - not that I can see
There is no duty moral, charitable or otherwise to assist or even partner CCFC if the Trustees do not see it as being in the best interests of the Charity. The terms produced with the SISU bid in 2014 relating to charitable activities apart from being vague and altruistic actually do not fit with much of the work done by the Charity in the past. That aside can anyone seriously think that the Trustees would be keen to keep any involvement with SISU let alone create new charitable partnerships with them. Would anyone think such involvement would be seen by the Trustees as beneficial to the Charity. It read to me as fine words but little substance.
Apart from the ACL share purchase, which was a costly nightmare involving legal disputes and capital losses, then the Charity was set up to distribute funds from investment income and to seed finance the capital projects like the Higgs Centre and Drapers Hall. To distribute funds not to actually operate or manage charitable activities
I think those carrying on about the poor children that had been deprived or even those who keep bringing that up fail to actually understand the purpose and nature of the Alan Edward Higgs Charity. It certainly is not to be a fall back position for CCFC