How do we get more people to sign a petition?
Do we take it offline (and then allow it into workplaces, and also stopping people in the city centre)?
Do we accept a petition doesn't work, and try something else?
Do we accept this is the wrong target to aim behind?
Do we just hope it snowballs?
How can we get more exposure for the petition?
Is it worth doing some research to find out why people aren't signing it?
Good set of questions and fair do's to the lot above, some delightful questions of the random variety. Astutes 'dis-oriental' a particular highlight.
Anyway, back on point...I'm not sure what the petition would achieve but at the same time, if we don't sign it, I think it demonstrates apathy amongst the fan base.
In terms of getting more signatures, it looks like a poor effort at the minute. But you have to ask, how many people actually know about it? Not everyone reads a newspaper every day and not everybody comes onto the Telegraph/Observer websites (cannot remember who's supporting what nowadays).
I think if it's club backed, then ST holders would be a good place to start. There's circa 5,000 of them so a mail with a link to sign would be my first port of call. I'd hope (although assume we don't) that we would have some form of customer database of previous bespoke ticket purchasers (like myself) or people who have purchased merchandise from the club...that would be the next port of call.
In terms of taking it offline, it needs to be joined up with the online element. I'd say that CCFC or the media outlets wouldn't have the resource to take it to the streets so you hope that the likes of the Trust would do it as part of their charitable efforts.
In terms of finding out why people aren't need another survey....why not channel the efforts it would take in setting that up, in getting more signatures instead.
What else would you have instead of a petition? Demonstration? They seemed effective previously and got a decent amount of coverage (the march in the City as well as the Arsenal game). Maybe something like that for any TV appearances/big games could help.
Just some thoughts....