Fine.....It was on this day in 1898 when we were playing the Sherbert Dib Dabs, a well known firm from down the lane and up the road a bit. The were well known for swinging from the rafters of the stands and were led into battle by a big white but very hairy man called Monkey Belly. His arms were 4 metres long (something to do with all the swinging i reckon) and he would swing along the roof and then drop down shouting "The Dib Dabs are gonna get ya". Anyway, we were playing them at our place with (which incidentally had no roof so straight away we thought we had them) and they thought they would catch us on the hop by turning up early. But we had an ace up our sleeve, we went over to their place and followed them here and when they came running out of the station we opened fire with all of the muskets we had, once we had used all of our shots, our leader (a very big very handsome man who only went by the name of 'The Gentleman') (oh and can I say very well hung too) shouted "Fix bayonets" and then we charged right into them, scattering them everywhere, which was a good thing as there was 12 of them and we only had 450. And that is how we got the name 'Legion', not because of the heroic Foreign Legion or any other Legion you can think of but because this all happened next to the British Legion. Come back next week for another tale.