The Deluded interview (7 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
KD - we never said we would replace King, Westwood or Gunny on their wages.

We can't afford it. :mad:

Hang on... did they not say they would use those wages to replace players?

More fooking lies...

KD - I convinced Jukebox to stay here in the summer and develop here. He had lucrative offers to go. :confused:

KD - Surprised fans don't like SISU.... :claping hands:

KD - I have tried to improve PR and fans don't seem to respond

KD - We are looking for investors


Well-Known Member
he is a complete and utter asshole i have never heard such crap what a fookin clown :jerkit::jerkit::jerkit::jerkit:


Well-Known Member
Ah bless such a shame we never responded to his PR we should all feel ashamed of ourselves and hang our heads in shame for not wanting to be friends with Ken and Sisu what a complete tool he really is.
After the bull they have fed the fans and the tit wonders why we never respond to his/there PR.
Ken just for you :pointlaugh:
Guess this twonk don't listen to radio, read newspapers and any other media source that covers CCFC.
Does this just go to show that he is never here or pays any attention to coventry if he never knew how the fans feel/felt about sisu, then he says he tried to improve PR but with no responce.
Lies there Ken just in those statements alone
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Well-Known Member
'kd' Head Of Football Operations (H.O.F.O.) ?
good grief !
what an utter total load of tosh,
totally believable in as much, the next diatribe we expected, would be full of mis-truths,
according to 'kd' we are now losing 7-10m per season, but he'd previously quoted 5m per season, with all these cuts?
yeah 'kd' DO ONE !!!!


Well-Known Member
Where's this from? Did he really say we're losing £7-10m a season now?


Super Moderator
Just one thing. I know representatives of CCFC read this board. Ken if you pay attention to what is said here you might have managed to get us on side. I'd say sisu are now in the same position as Mike Ashley, we could win the league, hell we could win the champions league but us fans will still want sisu and the current board out. You have damaged your and sisu' reputation beyond repair. The best way to get us fans on side would be to get out and let Hoffmans team have a shot.


Well-Known Member
the council should never sell that bunch of wankers thats all they want now because they know they have wrecked the club and they see that as there cash cow and the only thing they can make money on good to see clive say they sent the interveiw from the counciler to KD what a lying fuckwit :slap::slap::slap:


Well-Known Member
Only heard the end bit. He spoke utter crap in that segment. I really can't believe the excuse that he hasn't heard what John Mutton said, "so it's very difficult to comment on". Well if it isn't an excuse, it is shockingly negligent. As chairman of the club it is vital that he is aware of what the leader of the council is saying-especially when it's "Read my lips: we will never sell the arena to SISU". The interview on Midlands Today and CWR interview were freely available online. It would be very simple for him to have seen/heard them, and if he's too busy, surely there is somebody at the club in the media department whose job it is to keep him abreast of such crucial items of news?


Well-Known Member
They did say that the budget for this season would be the same as last! Clouting has already said "Budgets change, that's the reality of business". Yet now Ken is denying they ever said it! I couldn't be angrier than I am right now, all I knew was he was gone but not quite really, and I get home from work to hear him blathering more pathetic drivel, lies, contradictions and patronising delusions. Won't somebody rid me of this troublesome cockspanner!

Cov City Daytrader 87

Well-Known Member
according to 'kd' we are now losing 7-10m per season, but he'd previously quoted 5m per season, with all these cuts?
yeah 'kd' DO ONE !!!!

Ain't accountants suppose to be good at maths?

and yet he's a chartered accountant?:eek:

Ken you're giving the ICAEW (Institute of Chartered Accountant England and Wales) a bad name.


Well-Known Member
he is a complete and utter asshole i have never heard such crap what a fookin clown :jerkit::jerkit::jerkit::jerkit:

Totally agree Sub, what a f**cking muppet. Wish he would take himself and SHITSU to the nearest rock and crawl back under it. He can also take his KD printed tracksuit with him.......w**ker!!!!!


Well-Known Member
They did say that the budget for this season would be the same as last! Clouting has already said "Budgets change, that's the reality of business". Yet now Ken is denying they ever said it! I couldn't be angrier than I am right now, all I knew was he was gone but not quite really, and I get home from work to hear him blathering more pathetic drivel, lies, contradictions and patronising delusions. Won't somebody rid me of this troublesome cockspanner!

His arrogance was actually quite disturbing. He was not even attempting to be upfront or honest and was treating the fans with contempt. None of this looks very good to me.


Well-Known Member
do they not see that they lie constantly ?im sure in the big banking world there are treated like gods and peope belive every spoken and written word the utter, but us mere mortals here on planet earth can see through the constant shite that is spouted from there mouths, it fails me that they must actually belive the shite they say,imo they seem to be the only ones that belive it because from where i stand the council dont belive them ACL dont belive them 99% of the fans dont belive them and im sure the players and thorn dont, it seems the board and investors are all high fiving each other telling ken what a great job he is doing while he waxes onyis bikin line next to his pool in portugal:eek::eek::facepalm::facepalm: just lost for words at the shite i have heard tonight


Well-Known Member
He'll be on the shortlist for next England manager next :facepalm: (only emotion i can copy on my phone)

Could be the next Mike Bassett lol. He is a 1st degree ballbag, have never heard so much shit come out of somebodies mouth! Now Tanman if u read these message boards a simple message to u....... Your time is up so p*ss off.


Well-Known Member
First, last and every rule of football management:
If u read the above posts it isn't hard to see where Doolally has gone wrong.
Utter, utter bellend, please if there's an ounce of sense in you, get out of ccfc, completely and forever, right now.


Well-Known Member
I want to hear from anyone who can really with all honesty defend this man and what Sisu have done to this club... KD is a complete tit and the more the man talks the more he show himself up for what he is and what he is represents(sisu). Harry Rednapp i nearly fell off my chair, no wonder AT is getting confused about what he is seeing on game days, its the smoke KD is blowing up his ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...


Well-Known Member
Did the interviewer not pick him up on the figures then?

I mean this is his "great achievement" isn't it? Reducing the losses? Yet he's potentially almost doubled them!

This is the whole rationale for their strategy: Yeah we're shit and we're buying no-one, but Hey! At least we'll be on an even keel and ready for financial fair play!

Unbelievable. Literally.


Well-Known Member
Listening to it now iPlayer. What a cock this guy is. He genuinely doesn't get it at all does he?

What an arrogant, thick prick.

Fuck off now and don't come back.


Well-Known Member
Godiva and torch think sisu and tango man are the dogs cocks.

I dont think people should get confused with having to accept that we are stuck with SISU until someone puts in a sensible offer thats acceptable to them and thinking sisu are great

The fact is that they are currently funding the losses of the club and whilst none of us particularly want them to own the club, we have no choice as theres no genuine alternatives


Well-Known Member
Just a small point, I listened and didn't hear any figures about how much we are currently losing. Did I miss it at the bit at the start or is there another bit?

Edit: CE jsut mentioned it's £3m a year now.



CCFC Finance Director
KD mentioned £7 to 10m losses after about 12 mins of prog shmmeee

Seems high to me !


Well-Known Member
KD mentioned £7 to 10m losses after about 12 mins of prog shmmeee

Seems high to me !

Thanks must have missed it. In which case:

A) why did CE mention £3m?

B) see my previous comment about the guy being a cock


Well-Known Member
KD mentioned £7 to 10m losses after about 12 mins of prog shmmeee

Seems high to me !

In which case he's making himself look even more stupid, isn't he? If, as has been widely reported, we were losing £4m a year before he came in and are now losing between £7m-£10m a year, how does Mr Dulieu consider himself to have done a good job whilst being Chairman of this club? One for you OSB because I don't get it?!


CCFC Finance Director
i am with the rest of you ...... none of what was said by KD made much sense .... the dots didnt join up,.......... but thats also including some of the other contributiors


CCFC Finance Director
Typical attitude from someone at CCFC about the stadium too...... when will they get it...... when will they stop arrogantly expecting the Ricoh to be theirs. Their only arguement appears to we are the board of CCFC and we want it. There is as with most other things from the Board precious little understanding and very little plan of what is required or how to get it. They dont seem to understand they are now at minority business partner at the Ricoh. Yes they use it 25 or so times a year ........... but it doesnt stand still with baited breath waiting for CCFC to turn up again! There are 340 other days in a year KD except leap years.

Arrogant and clueless the whole interview


Well-Known Member
'kd' do you really and truthfully (hard word to swallow), consider yourself worthwhile ?
& as for your future business profile ?
will any mug ever believe a single word you say ?
'kd' = dr. bunsen honeydew, from 'the muppets,
& that's a compliment !!!
are you a fit & proper person ?
the complete interview was 'you're an embarrasement' = madness,
allied to 'splinters' eakin for his 'half volleys on the leg stump',
we await the next platitude from 'kd',
'can you not understand why you are hated' ?
si*u = as about as much use as a 1 legged man in an ar*e kicking contest,
but nevertheless PUSB

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