An excellent, well written critique of our club in its current state. Moxey's piece is extremly accurate and hits the nail right on the head, he is clearly a very astute journalist and one to be applauded.
In terms of the future I am perhaps a bit more optimistic than some in the sense that I see the end of Sisu by the end of this season at the latest. They have greedy shareholders who will want a return on their investment which clearly will not happen, so they will after a fire sale in January either cut and run then, or at least by the end of the season.
As they have stated they will not keep throwing money at the club, and I seem to remember that they have only guaranteed funding until the end of the season. What then? Well it seems to me they will have no option but to either sell up or put us in admin.
I know admin or relegation would be a disaster, but as Moxey speculates I truly believe the potential investors (yes if any, but I believe there are) will move in when the club is a snip to buy, rather than lining SISU's pockets with 30 million. Lets face it what sane buisness person would do otherwise.
If not we will be in big trouble, but I just cant see SISU holding on, so if not admin they may be prepared to cut their losses and take a low bid, so either way they will be gone.
As I have accepted relegation and the pain of it, and the possibility of potential admin, (and no I cant see us going into liquidation or out of buisness) I can now genuinelly see a bright future and am optimistic for the next few years, as they will be long gone and we can slowly but surely move on, hopefully onwards and upwards.
Yes many people may disagree, yes my views are simplistic, but I want and need hope, and frankly if accepting one or both of the potential evils of relegation or admin, that will both surely happen, for it to mean SISU have gone and we can move on, then yes I can and do look foward to a new start and a brighter future.