Thank you and like always I will take it on board and pass it on. The ownership question is one that's open for debate. We have a plan in place that is on the shelf and ready to go if the worst was to happen. Aside from Wycombe, Wimbledon, etc for obvious reasons every trust in the country has that or should do anyway. The only way how we can proceed with our involvement in a takeover is with proper fan consultation. Hire a room, thrash around some ideas that are put forwards, decide what to do and maybe realise it wasn't quite right so repeat until it is. With regards to Fisher I think he could sign us Sanchez and Harzard & build us a 45000 seater inside the Ring Road and most would still not believe a word he says. Sad really but he's never going to win us all over.
I'm not sure Lawrie Sanchez and Mickey Hazard will help us
In all seriousness I really do believe we need a single group with clearly stated aims.
I am season ticket holder but find the continuous SISU out agenda is only half the story - there really needs to be a clearly communicated viable alternative as well if/when SISU go.
It's good to see constructive points on here from skybluecoco88 and skyblueweeman which I largely agree with.
Few thoughts from me:
If we have a single united front then could we find a former player to front either actively (as per Niall Quinn for example) or as an honorary figurehead?
How can any fans who feel they would like to help get involved? I note the comments on the use of social media to enable more people to get involved and think this is an area that could be improved.
Is there any dialogue with Alan Higgs/Coventry Sports Foundation? They are portrayed as Anti CCFC in the press but the reality is they are very anti the existing owners so would surely support any initiatives to return the club to the people of Coventry and then support any of the wider initiatives by SBITC and at academy level. I do have contacts there that I could speak to if any help required there.
Similarly surely the same applies at council level where a fan bases ownership model would be welcomed - the issue appears to be relationship with SISU.
On a fundraising level - has there been any thought on producing alternative sky blue trust kit? Any profits then go towards any future takeover.
I realise all of of this takes up a lot of time and effort so not decrying efforts to date but just some of my observations.
My main point would be SISU Out comes across loud and clear but I don't know what the alternative aim so that should also be clear
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