I think with the elephant you've got to realise the plan for the whole area that the uni have. I don't know how viable keeping it going is (I had an exam in it the other week though, so maybe there is some use).
Also if, as I suspect, the plan is to build up all around it, would it end up hidden?
Is the sports centre being sold as well? Isn't that listed too?
The swimming pool is listed, elephant not.
What I don't think we're great at in Coventry is building on what we already have, we tend to go for the knock it all down, and start again approach... never let things get old. Appreciate I said get rid of Cathedral Lanes earlier
but that's nondescript.
Good bits of the city are around the Cathedral, the Priory ruins (although we don't do culture, so let the visitor centre waste away), and there's potential around the transport museum and the square (put the clock back, am I alone in being surprised they were allowed to silently remove it for cleaning and not put it back, with barely a murmer?) and even the precincts themselves are decent in their simplicity, to my mind. Spon Street as mentioned could be great if they bumped it a bit. Ikea seems in a mental place there, mind! And around the Belgrade's been bumped up a bit too, looks alright. They need to start joining it all together now!
Think they did a great job with the Lower Precinct, incorporating the cafe and the original 50s architecture, but roofing it off so it felt a bit more homely! The old manor house needs making more of, but actually have hopes the developments between there and Ford's Hospital will improve all that area substantially.