Porky is a regular poster on GMK and has been opposed to any form of protest from day one so I tend not to take his posts to heart too much. As far as follow up actions that are planned those under discussion include getting a mass migration (legally) to blocks 1 and 2 to be right by Directors for protests, more direct communication with London media about SISU's mismanagement, another visit to SISU HQ, depending on success of this protest then maybe something similar, encouraging people to hold of buying season tickets until SISU have gone - any other ideas welcome.
As for supporting the Hoffman bid, as we do not really know what is being proposed, who the backers are, what the plans for the team, stadium, etc are it is difficult to say we are 100% behind the bid. However if he has someone with deep pockets who is willing to put us on a sound financial footing with a long term plan of gradual self sufficiency, plans for on field investment, more fans involvement at decision making level, giving the club back to the community, returning the shares that SISU took of supporters or at least some gesture towards these people etc then we would support it but as we have no knowledge of any of these we cannot give our endorsement to the alleged / rumoured Hoff bid. It is easy to say it has to be better than we what we have but we must look upon this as an opportunity to try and ensure that we the supporters have some input in the future of our club and we are not just swapping one lot of faceless, uncaring money men for another.