If you were thorn. (1 Viewer)


I am in 100% agreement with you. They have made this a non-league set up. This includes the appointment of a manager suited to the lower reaches of amateur football.

Has us playing nicer football than his 3 predecessors and it could easily be argued that they couldn't do better with this squad.


Why are people so hung up about a fully qualified fitness coach when we don't even have a proper qualified manager. In priority terms I would have thought that a bigger concern.

I'd have thought 'in priority terms' people would show more concern about the owners.

But many can't be bothered.


Well-Known Member
Has us playing nicer football than his 3 predecessors and it could easily be argued that they couldn't do better with this squad.

Fewest goals fewest corners no away wins yep that's entertainment.


New Member
Cloughie,I live in hope that if he tells them to shove it it will force shittsu's hand to hire a real manager if you know what i mean. They won't though,We'll end. up with clingan as player manager!


New Member
really another one of these threads? Theres so much stupidity around this subject, especially when people say we need a new manager before a new fitness coach, this is absoloutely ridiculous, I mean really. He has NO money to spend, he HAS ALL HIS BEST PLAYERS SOLD UNDER HIS NOSE.

You want an experienced manager, LOOK WHAT SVEN ACHIEVED AT LEICESTER, seriously, you "Thorn haters" need a proper reality check, any manager needs the backing from the board and a full compliment of staff, Thorn has neither and any new manager would need the same regardless of reputation.

Then you have a go at his scouting abilities, because his current team. Tell me this, when his "priority targets" are out of the clubs budget, he then goes to what is affordable, THAT IS NOT HIS FAULT.

He has however made some bad tactical errors and is quite stubborn (formation etc), however it is not his fault, the team should be accountable since they are professionals and should have more flexability. It's not Thorns fault that Eastwood was unfit, it's not his fault that the team concede late, it's not his fault that his bench is full of kids. It's not his fault that he doesn't have a full "proper" squad at his disposal. It is however, SISU's fault.

Now can we please just focus our attention at trying to get new owners to get out of this predicament.

/rant over.

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
Some of you are fu cking brilliant having a pop at the players manager anyone but the real culprits of our predicament priceless :facepalm:


Well-Known Member
really another one of these threads? Theres so much stupidity around this subject, especially when people say we need a new manager before a new fitness coach, this is absoloutely ridiculous, I mean really. He has NO money to spend, he HAS ALL HIS BEST PLAYERS SOLD UNDER HIS NOSE.

You want an experienced manager, LOOK WHAT SVEN ACHIEVED AT LEICESTER, seriously, you "Thorn haters" need a proper reality check, any manager needs the backing from the board and a full compliment of staff, Thorn has neither and any new manager would need the same regardless of reputation.

Then you have a go at his scouting abilities, because his current team. Tell me this, when his "priority targets" are out of the clubs budget, he then goes to what is affordable, THAT IS NOT HIS FAULT.

He has however made some bad tactical errors and is quite stubborn (formation etc), however it is not his fault, the team should be accountable since they are professionals and should have more flexability. It's not Thorns fault that Eastwood was unfit, it's not his fault that the team concede late, it's not his fault that his bench is full of kids. It's not his fault that he doesn't have a full "proper" squad at his disposal. It is however, SISU's fault.

Now can we please just focus our attention at trying to get new owners to get out of this predicament.

/rant over.

Well now you've put it in capital letters I can see what a fool I've been


New Member
I'm not a thorn hater. The blokes clueless,he isn't a manager. Any div can see he's been stiched up,not as much as us fans have been stiched though.


Well-Known Member
really another one of these threads? Theres so much stupidity around this subject, especially when people say we need a new manager before a new fitness coach, this is absoloutely ridiculous, I mean really. He has NO money to spend, he HAS ALL HIS BEST PLAYERS SOLD UNDER HIS NOSE.

You want an experienced manager, LOOK WHAT SVEN ACHIEVED AT LEICESTER, seriously, you "Thorn haters" need a proper reality check, any manager needs the backing from the board and a full compliment of staff, Thorn has neither and any new manager would need the same regardless of reputationThen you have a go at his scouting
abilities, because his current team. Tell me this, when his "priority targets" are out of the clubs budget, he then goes to what is affordable, THAT IS NOT HIS FAULT.
He has however made some bad tactical errors and is quite stubborn (formation etc), however it is not his fault, the tea
should be accountable since they are professionals and should have more flexability. It's not Thorns fault that Eastwood was unfit, it's not his fault that the team concede late, it's not his fault that his bench is full of kids. It's not his fault that he doesn't have a full "proper" squad at his
disposal. It is however, SISU's fault.

Now can we please just focus our attention at trying to get new owners to get out of this predicament

/rant over.

that was a long rant and as dull and pointless as thorns tactics. Strange you hate everything about sisu is wrong except for appointing thorn and again not one positive comment about his managerial talent. How odd.


Well-Known Member
I'd be laughing all the way to the bank.

AT is so blameless Lloyd nothing is his fault from your thread, how can nothing be his fault?


Well-Known Member
We lose again, the only league team without an away win.

Yes our owners are crap, yes we are selling our best players, yes Thorn has probably identified targets he cant buy BUT

lets not miss the point, as much as i hate SISU and blame them, Thorn is clearly inept and not up to the task.

We are bottom of the league for a number of reasons, but lets not miss the fact that Thorns tactics are clueless, he persists with a failing formation, we lack width, we lack pace and this from players he scouted, we cant defend, we dont score, and we cant play for ninety minutes. His use of subs is diabolical and he cant seem to motivate a bunch of players who I beleive could do better.

Yes there is a lot for the apologists to use to defend this lumbering disaster of a manager but lets not hide form the issue that he isnt up to the job.

(Oh and by the way thats my opinion, and if you disagree fair enough, but i dont and am right in there with the Thorn isnt up to the job brigade)
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Well-Known Member
That's outrageous didn't you know he has no fitness coach?


So if thorn resigned or got sacked tomoro who would 1; want the job? 2; who could we afford 3; who would the fans want? Sounds abit like the summer just gone to be honest! If sisu had ambition we would have a full backroom staff with fitness coach aswell as a experienced manager with money to spend on wages but no they haven't got ambition! I have to say I quite agreed with lloyds rant


Well-Known Member
If they had ambition we would not have thorn you have missed the point. No points? Are you thorn?

Colonel Mustard

New Member
SISU won't ruin AT's reputation - only he can do that. There are plenty of managers who get due kudos for what they achieve with limited resources.

I'm sure he must be frustrated with the lack of money and continual losses, but he must surely also be canny enough to know he has it made here - he has a career in management and SISU are soaking up all of the anger at City's decline. Not many managers can claim that kind of unquestioning protection.

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