Except it isn't is it. Social democracy is about a balanced role of state and the free market, and about providing equality of opportunity. If someone gets rich in such a system, good for them. All a progressive argues for is for the deck to be a little less stacked. Right wing economics doesn't work and has led to economic disaster on at least 2 separate occasions. Right wing social attitudes seem good to some until they apply the standards to themselves. If we listened to right wingers in the 60s, being gay would still be a crime. If we listened to them in the 1800s, we would still have slavery.
Progressivism isn't about everything being equal, it's about looking at what empirically works and trying to make decisions informed by evidence. Taking the evidence that building more grammar schools would widen and entrench inequality in Britain, I don't think any more should be built, but it is a Tory manifesto pledge. Other evidence shows that we are subsidising low wages through in work benefits, so there is a Labour proposal to raise the minimum wage and pass the cost from the taxpayer to the employer. There is even evidence in America that shows it would be cheaper to put every homeless person in a home than pay for the costs attached to homelessness.
But no, I'm the naïve one.