Could tell yesterday it's made a difference, Jones got up after being fouled and squared up to their player. Last season, he probably would have moaned at the ref and sulked.
What I noticed on a photo after was that while he was squaring up the people around it were the ref, Doyle and Kelly.
The other day "can't remember if it was Jones" it was said that when they get fouled, by the time they are up Doyle has already dealt with it.
I think little bits like this will make the difference. It's the polar opposite to last season.
What I noticed on a photo after was that while he was squaring up the people around it were the ref, Doyle and Kelly.
The other day "can't remember if it was Jones" it was said that when they get fouled, by the time they are up Doyle has already dealt with it.
I think little bits like this will make the difference. It's the polar opposite to last season.