A Gilbert-esque reply.
Anything to do with masses of misleading clickbait? If judged just on how many people have opened a page it doesn't take quality into consideration so not sure how it's a reply when people discuss quality.
If employing people solely to copy and paste articles and then hammer the shit out of them on social media with misleading titles then of course daily views will go up. It's the lad bible approach.
It's up there with just screenshotting "most read" as a reply when somebody says anything about the quality or how it's unrelated to Coventry.
I said something seems to be working for them. (Not me)
I prefer it how it used to be.
I also feel it has become very regionalised recently. We get a lot more news both nationally and regionally. When actually I prefer it to be just news that affects Coventry and Warwickshire. I get the other news elsewhere.
Oh and by the way I dislike the Sun newspaper immensely so this article wasn't the best news all round for me. It's and endorsement of both the Sun's slant on the world we live in and an endorsement of the new CET approach. (Neither of which I like).
Also don't think it is the SISU saga that has helped as that wasn't as prominent last year compared to previous years.
Unfortunately for CET. This will be the sort of thing that says crack on with the new way it's working