1. To use the Ricoh Arena as the community hub to deliver various community programmes - a communiversity style approach.
2. To establish a communiversity at The Ricoh based on football, sports, leisure and tourism. The Ricoh could be home to a library, adult learning classes, a Communi-café, ICT suite, a recording studio and, of course, remain available as a conference facility.
3. To develop a multi-partnership with third parties to deliver wide-ranging community work. This will include developing innovative programmes with all front line services including the police, fire services, health services and employment agencies. The aim will be for all those involved to play an active role in improving the lives of all those participating in the programmes.
4. To assist in building links with schools, FE colleges and universities. Special emphasis will be given to under-privileged children and those with disabilities. Football, sports, music and the arts programmes will engage with those groups and individuals most at risk of social exclusion.
5. To tackle health and more specifically obesity issues working with the NHS/PCT/Local Council. This will be achieved with a ‘cradle to grave’ ethos and culture in which people of all ages will be given an opportunity to learn how to lead healthier lives.
6. To tackle crime in the local community working with the police and community safety groups by targeting specific areas of anti-social behaviour and juvenile crime. Football and sports projects will be delivered in the most challenging estates and postcodes to the most vulnerable people; to move them away from a life of crime towards more positive and productive activities.
7. To create pathways to employment by developing links with the LEP and local employers. This will be achieved through a “Skills for Life” programme that will be designed to attract the under achieving, under qualified and those not in education employment or training (NEET). Initial engagement would work through sport (particularly football), music and the arts first level courses and programmes.