As I understand it the appeal is against the reasoning in the first decision. It is not a full hearing of the case. If they win the appeal then JR2 will then take place. I would think there is little chance of jr2 being heard in 2017. A judge has been persuaded by written submissions that the original decision is worthy of court to examine it again.
If they got to and won jr2 then we move on to the compensation cases and appeals. None of which improves ccfc position any time soon. If they win jr2 it could go on for years yet
Every dog can have its day in court I think the expression goes. Personally I think the court system is used and abused far too often. Especially if you have access to significant funds
It shouldn't affect the team but can't help thinking people will be going oh ffs and lose further interest in the club. Frustrating just when results are picking up
Why is it these things always come out on a Friday!