Cyrus Christie (3 Viewers)

CUS Wyken

New Member
The only other point I can really see is that everyone agrees Cyrus should stay completely out of it and concentrate on his football. He's a young guy and I'm sure ahs learnt a valuable lesson.

Well he deleted his original tweet so i guess he was told it was wrong. I see a player was fined 2k today for his comments. I agree with Last Garrison, if i was a manager i wouldnt allow my players to use twitter. Causes too much agg

CUS Wyken

New Member
sorry i wasnt on about this thread,it was in the TATA investment one

i dont agree with media blackouts at all,all hate crimes should be reported the same way

there all scum,no matter their colour,we jsut live ina shit world where people want to make out others are worse

There's good and bad in all walks of life. But there needs to be a equal balance. In my eyes i dont see that.


Well-Known Member
its same for everyone imo mate

read the sun for one month and you will what i mean for e,g
"asian gang"-then there is pictures of 4 asians and 3 white guys, :facepalm:there just hate mongering

but i do agree all crimes should be reported equally.


Without stirring up too much.

Would I be offended if somebody came up to me and called me "White Scum" or a "White Bastard"? I'd probably just laugh and make a joke about it being too cold to get a tan.

I doubt 75% of asian or black people would be bothered, I think most of it is the media and the MP's who have probably never seen a Somali!

CUS Wyken

New Member
its same for everyone imo mate

read the sun for one month and you will what i mean for e,g
"asian gang"-then there is pictures of 4 asians and 3 white guys, :facepalm:there just hate mongering

but i do agree all crimes should be reported equally.

Its not the same though. Look at the lad in Manchester, took a right shoeing and i mean a proper hammering. It was by a group of asians. Yet the attack is a hate attack. Now if this opposite occured it would be a racist attack.

I can find you plenty of similar news stories if you want?

Thats the point.

CUS Wyken

New Member
Without stirring up too much.

Would I be offended if somebody came up to me and called me "White Scum" or a "White Bastard"? I'd probably just laugh and make a joke about it being too cold to get a tan.

I doubt 75% of asian or black people would be bothered, I think most of it is the media and the MP's who have probably never seen a Somali!

I think the issue(s) is for example the main bod for most race equlality is black. He comes out and says there should be more black football managers. Now whats equal about that? A manager should be in charge for hsi skills not for his colour.

If Chris Evans came out and said there's not enough ginger managers, they'd be laughter from the masses.

If your good enough for the job then your good enough for the job regardless of your skin colour.


Well-Known Member
Its not the same though. Look at the lad in Manchester, took a right shoeing and i mean a proper hammering. It was by a group of asians. Yet the attack is a hate attack. Now if this opposite occured it would be a racist attack.

I can find you plenty of similar news stories if you want?

Thats the point.

if you can find plently of stories there obviously being reported


I saw a good one in town once, an asian fella was harassing a girl, her boyfriend told him to do one, bit of a scuffle and the guy ended up whacking the asian fella. Police came, the asian was saying it was because he was racist that's why he hit him. The other fella didn't say a single word about his colour or race, just about him hassling his missus. I don't know what came of it so can't say if the guy was charged or let off I was just a bystander in the bar.

Now, if a black fella was to hit me because I was being an absolute dickhead, I'd probably feel too silly to go to the police and just accept a sore chin for being a dick never mind say it was because I was white. Would that get taken seriously if I did though?

If a group of people of a different race said "let's give him a kickin because he is white" then it is racist but "let's give him a kickin as we have a real reason but he just so happens to be white" then it isn't. Same every other way.

This is not me saying all Asians are bad, you get cockends no matter what race, just an example of the race card.


Well-Known Member
and that is wrong,but there is stuff going on both sides that shouldnt, remember PC pulling,caught by bbc cameras giving black and asian people fines but not whites?

i think the outright stupidity of it all evens itself out on both sides overall

nick-i saw an asian fella get called a p*ki outside a club,when the police came over they just told him to jog on with a smile on his face whislt joking with the white fella

that would outrage asian people no?

i just think people shouldnt look into individual instances so much
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Well-Known Member

fucking sun readers

CUSwyken you wanna read the sun,every headline is about asian this and asian that,you would love it

Take a reality check. In a lot of cities we are now not allowed to have lights up saying Merry Xmas. Now it has to be seasons greetings. But any other religious times of the year are said how they are. The reason for this? We might upset anyone not British born. What they fail to recognise is that most British nationals still call it Christmas :facepalm: Not allowed to call a blackboard as such. Has to be a chalkboard, but a whiteboard is a whiteboard. All religions are allowed mosques and places of worship, even if they do not blend in with the neighbourhood. Then we can get turned down for an extension a few doors away as it does not fit in with the surroundings :thinking about:

I could go on for ages. The worse thing that happened with racial crimes was the doo gooders that say what we can do or say. PC gone mad to us normal people. Things were slowly getting better until the PC crowd got involved. Now white people feel scared to say anything that could be seen to be racist, but take racist comments on the chin.

Call me racist if you like. I have a lot of black friends. I have a half indian daughter. I have even known a few racists look at my daughter not knowing she is and make comments that show it is just bravado with a lot of them. BTW she is 5'9", been told very good looking and part time model as well as as an accountant. Must get her looks off me :D


and that is wrong,but there is stuff going on both sides that shouldnt, remember PC pulling,caught by bbc cameras giving black and asian people fines but not whites?

i think the outright stupidity of it all evens itself out on both sides overall

Then yes, his actions were driven by the colour of people's skin.

What about the black police officer union or whatever it is?


Well-Known Member
yeh all stupid

wyken i am asian,i pit up christmass lights,i call it christmass,so do all my family and friends

dont let a few propoganda newspaper clippings make you think were the enemy all of a sudden


Well-Known Member
I thin we've all had our say and agree that most people regardless of colour are basically tools. Therefore (and I know peopl have been complaining about the locking of threads) I think before this one goes any deeper, it would be a good time to close (imo of course).



Well-Known Member
Black police officer union is a good one imo becuase it gives people the confidence to make a genuine complaint that they feel wouldn't otherwise be taken seriously. The problem with it is that its divisive and again a similar white police officers union would be deemed racist. Its not right, but its also not likely to change so I think we just need to accept it and while it doesn't affect us - ignore it.


Well-Known Member
I'm always suspicious about those who bleat "yeah, but black people seem to get away with it" and who point out crimes by Asian or black men and complain about lack of ''fairness'' in the press.


I'm personally not fussed, I have mates of all shapes, colours and sizes.

I blame the media and MP's as said for how people tip toe around the situation rather than people themselves though.

I personally wouldn't judge somebody by the colour of their skin, but if they are dickhead then they are a dickhead if they are white, black, yellow or pink.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I'm always suspicious about those who bleat "yeah, but black people seem to get away with it" and who point out crimes by Asian or black men and complain about lack of ''fairness'' in the press.

I'm always suspicious of men who like car and bike sports but don't like football. Just simply don't trust em!

CUS Wyken

New Member
They are usually rascists themselves. Only my opinion, of course.

Jesus Christ. What a sweeping statement that is. That is where the problem is. Someone is accused of been a racist if they speak out.

All crimes/incidents should be treated as equal but are they? I think not.

The poor lad in Manchester was beaten up by a group of Asians. How come it’s called a hate crime not a racist crime?

Paxman II

Well-Known Member
We could have a debate about this that would never end. Astute your spot on. The world is pc mad.
For me calling one racist is all too often used when there is no racism involved. When there is abuse it is usually defined more clearly as 'hatred' and that should not be tolerated.

To get back to the Terry incident: Whatever he said as long as it was not pure hatred i see nothing particularly wrong on the heat of a football pitch. We are getting ever increasing silly incidents on the pitch and frankly Anton should have just put it to one side and if offended so badly then go to terry after the match and have it out.


Well-Known Member
I'm always suspicious of men who like car and bike sports but don't like football. Just simply don't trust em!

I'm always suspicious of people who don't have there own friends outside of work friends.

Usually means they're a cock.


New Member
They are usually rascists themselves. Only my opinion, of course.

What a narrow minded pathetic statement.

We seem to have strayed well off the issue here. Christie made the initial statement that terry is a racist. At the minute he isn't, simple as that. I can fully understand the anger towards Christies statement and he needs to understand racism is a hot topic at the minute and is very much a two way street.
This whole fall out will continue cos the FA didn't act. Surely they should have investigated instantly and made the guilty / not guilty decision with in a week, 2 at most?? This matter would then be long gone and we can concentrate on making up sightings on micheal owen in tesco car park ahead of a loan move etc.........


Well-Known Member
Hey, calm down. Seems like I've touched a nerve.

Jesus Christ. What a sweeping statement that is. That is where the problem is. Someone is accused of been a racist if they speak out.

All crimes/incidents should be treated as equal but are they? I think not.

The poor lad in Manchester was beaten up by a group of Asians. How come it’s called a hate crime not a racist crime?


New Member
Its funny because I'd view the label "Somaliscum" as racist.

I wouldn't want to be called "Engdick"

Just saying...

If I remember correctly they were Somalian, and in my opinion they are definitely scum, hence Somaliscum.

If these little flowers don't wish to be called Somaliscum, maybe they should refrain from attacking females on our streets?

Just saying.


Well-Known Member
I'm always suspicious of men who like car and bike sports but don't like football. Just simply don't trust em!

My car is Sky Blue in colour. I spend more time and money tracking her than I do with football. Is this OK to you? :D

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