Cyrus Christie (2 Viewers)

CUS Wyken

New Member
Hey, calm down. Seems like I've touched a nerve.

Behave you narrow minded fool..

You basically accused anyone who feels that the PC world has gone mad a racist.

Its statements and judgments like yours above that have turned this country into a PC state.

Point me to anything i have said on this thread that is not true. It’s all good and well accusing people but you have not once questioned anything on this thread, instead just making idotitic and small-minded statements.


New Member
No threads or posts have been reported? I wasn't being sarcastic?

You have just read the thread where it says to report stuff if you think it is bad, yet still nothing has been reported?

I think you are just trying to make something out of nothing?

I understand that. But I think its good to challenge before reporting. I felt as though combining a persons nationality with a derogatory word comes across as labelling that whole group of people.

I don't think that's serious to report but, from my point of view (and I will concede, not everyones) its something to be challenged.

I wasn't making something out of nothing but I wasn't making a storm out of a breeze either!


Well-Known Member
I am old school. Reporting is grassing. Would rather shoot myself than grass :slap:

CUS Wyken

New Member
If I remember correctly they were Somalian, and in my opinion they are definitely scum, hence Somaliscum.

If these little flowers don't wish to be called Somaliscum, maybe they should refrain from attacking females on our streets?

Just saying.

I remember the other week, i said that the majority of knife crime committed in London is by black youth hence why the police stop and search black people more.

I was called racist for it. Yet statistics from the police force showed the same.

Now for the telling the truth i was called a racist.

That’s the problem nowadays. If you say something UN PC then you’re automatically accused of racism.
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Well-Known Member
And point me to where I've said otherwise. Like I said, just my opinion.

Not sure why you and others are getting so hysterical about it.

Behave you narrow minded fool..

You basically accused anyone who feels that the PC world has gone mad a racist.

Its statements and judgments like yours above that have turned this country into a PC state.

Point me to anything i have said on this thread that is not true. It’s all good and well accusing people but you have not once questioned anything on this thread, instead just making idotitic and small-minded statements.

CUS Wyken

New Member
And point me to where I've said otherwise. Like I said, just my opinion.

Not sure why you and others are getting so hysterical about it.

Because your openly accused people of been racist... because they don't agree on certain topics yet on the otherhand you can't find anything against the comments made by people.

I'm confused what your point your actually trying to make or are you basically trying to stir trouble?


New Member
If it offends you. Report it. ;)Simples

If it was abusive to any particular poster, then yes but if it is a sweeping statement about a current affair, I see no reason not to challenge that in the correct way. I didn't accuse anyone of anything. Someone made a pun which I felt could be percieved as racist. I see no harm in pointing that out.


New Member
Because your openly accused people of been racist... because they don't agree on certain topics yet on the otherhand you can't find anything against the comments made by people.

I'm confused what your point your actually trying to make or are you basically trying to stir trouble?

He's not. He's indicating that there is a potential.


Well-Known Member
I remember the other week, i said that the majority of black youth in London commit knife crime hence why the police stop and search black people more.

So wrong. The majority of Knife crime may be commited by black people. Not sure of this but it would be close. No way do the majority of the black youth commit knife crimes.

It is comments like this that causes people to be racist when they believe what they read.


Well-Known Member
No, I'm not. I'm just saying I find all the protesting about certain cases in the media and not others odd. For example, there was a guy on the radio complaining of all the publicity over Stephen Lawrence a few weeks ago. He said the publicity over the case was wrong as so-ans-so was murdered by a black bloke in Manchester nine years ago or something. And? A bloke is dead. Already he was making it into a raciql issue because he was complaining that ''a black bloke would get away with it''. I just think its an odd attitude, which is why I mentioned it earlier.

I didn't intend to infer you or anyone else on here was a rascist so stop getting worked up and beating your chest.

CUS Wyken

New Member
He's not. He's indicating that there is a potential.

What potential?

Torch original quote

“I'm always suspicious about those who bleat "yeah, but black people seem to get away with it" and who point out crimes by Asian or black men and complain about lack of ''fairness'' in the press.”

I replied “Why? Enlighten us by your mean of suspicious?

He then replied “They are usually rascists themselves. Only my opinion, of course “
Now to me that’s insuating that we are racists because we feel many crimes are not equally looked upon by the authorities.

Which is utter rubbish

CUS Wyken

New Member
Astute, worded wrong i apologise... But if you look at goverment statistics its something like 65% of knife crime is commited by black youth.


Well-Known Member
What a narrow minded pathetic statement.

We seem to have strayed well off the issue here. Christie made the initial statement that terry is a racist. At the minute he isn't, simple as that. I can fully understand the anger towards Christies statement and he needs to understand racism is a hot topic at the minute and is very much a two way street.
This whole fall out will continue cos the FA didn't act. Surely they should have investigated instantly and made the guilty / not guilty decision with in a week, 2 at most?? This matter would then be long gone and we can concentrate on making up sightings on micheal owen in tesco car park ahead of a loan move etc.........

As I said yesterday, some bloke on Radio 5 Live yesterday said that Terry may or may not have said what he is a accused of but then said all black players should refuse to play for England until after his trial, unless he steps down.

now to me that is declaring him guilty before the trial has even begun.

Paxman II

Well-Known Member
One small thread that dealt with 'racism' and here we are arguing beyond 90 threads. What does that tell you?


Well-Known Member
HAHA - Are you on crack? He seems the type. He probably is a racist. So because 'seems' the type they are.. That'd be like saying all black young men in London are knife merchants because there dressed in there hoodies.

If Terry is found guilty then fair enough but till otherwise i feel certain people (Majority black footballers) should shut up and wait for the outcome.

To be honest, saying John Terry is probably racist because IMO he's an utter cock is not, by any means, "like saying all black young men in London are knife merchants because there dressed in there hoodies." The latter relies on a racist pre-conception. The other is my opinion (and not racist). Terry is a cock because he is a cock, not because he's white. Twats like him tend to be racist, in my experience. He's arrogant, full of himself, and strikes me as the sort of twat who would have said what is alleged. Maybe I'm wrong, and he is innocent until proven guilty, but there's nothing to stop me saying "betchya he's guilty"! I don't think he's a poor lickle mouse in need of so much of a desperate defence of him.

No, I am not on crack. Are you? :thinking about:

I also tend to think that people who moan most of all about minorities, "dem immigants", muslims, and how "you can only be a racist if you are white, it seems" are actually in fact quite a bit racist themselves. They may not even know it, or at least not be prepared to admit it to themselves. Hell, the BNP don't think they're racist..Any one who starts a sentence with the words "I'm not a racist, but.." is almost guaranteed to be about to demonstrate that they are.

At the very least, moaning about it so much seems a bit rich given the disguisting history of The British Empire, not to mention our orchestrating of the Slave Trade. We are histories bad guys, folks: if we have social ills brought on as the long term consequences our subjugation of one third of the globe, well then we're just reaping what our ancestors sowed. Or "it serves us f***** right", in other words!

And for every complaint about white people being the subject of racist hate crimes, there have been thousands of brutal acts commited against ethnic minorities over the past few hundred years. Not that two wrongs make a right or that it justifies anything, but just my guilty white views..I've had a lot of heated arguments with (former) mates over this sort of thing, not to mention two of my brothers-who are openly, unabbashed racists. One of them is like this because his mate once got beaten up by a bunch of black lads, 7 or 8 years ago. That's like me hating all bouncers forever just because one of the pricks through me down some stairs!


Well-Known Member
I'm not a racist, but.....oh dear,I must be one


Well-Known Member
I think the issue(s) is for example the main bod for most race equlality is black. He comes out and says there should be more black football managers. Now whats equal about that? A manager should be in charge for hsi skills not for his colour.

If Chris Evans came out and said there's not enough ginger managers, they'd be laughter from the masses.

If your good enough for the job then your good enough for the job regardless of your skin colour.

This is one of the most ignorant things I have ever read. There are not equal opportunities for black managers, and that is due to racism in the game. The reason there should be more is to redress the balance. It is not as equal at the moment as it should be. To compare having ginger hair to being the victim of racial bias is ridiculous, as there is no evidence of this anti-ginger thing..not to mention certainly not several hundred years of opression towards gingers, inccluding thousands of deaths! If the slave trade had happened in the 20th century instead of earlier, we would be treated by history as the Nazis (correcty) are now. Lucky we wrote that history, eh?!


Well-Known Member
Why the obsession with percentages and making your point about knife crime?

Astute, worded wrong i apologise... But if you look at goverment statistics its something like 65% of knife crime is commited by black youth.

Paxman II

Well-Known Member
noneleagueherewecome: You have strong opinions on these boards but often fail to realise it's just that - your opinion. Often you make good points but equally you are carried or swayed by your own view too much. I suggest you are young and perhaps need to look outside the box for your opinions instead of being so forceful assuming you are the only one correct? Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
noneleagueherewecome: You have strong opinions on these boards but often fail to realise it's just that - your opinion. Often you make good points but equally you are carried or swayed by your own view too much. I suggest you are young and perhaps need to look outside the box for your opinions instead of being so forceful assuming you are the only one correct? Just a thought.

No, quite old, and felling fucking patronised now! I just really hate racism, I'm passionate about it. Very. As the song by Coventrys finest says,

"If you know a racist who says he is your friend,
Now is the time, now is the time,
For that friendship to end".

I've lived those lyrics out a fair few times! Racism is a serious problem, a lot more so than PC, which has done more good than harm.

Why would I want to get fully-formed opinions out of a box, rather than form my own? That's what liberty means-freedom of thought, not parrotting some crap you heard on the radio or read in The Sun.


Well-Known Member
I know what NLHWC means about John Terry. With some players I would have my doubts, but I have no doubts John Terry is guilty. And I also have no doubt that he'll get away with it.

"But we all talk like that where we're from"
"It's different when you're on the pitch"
"Lots of things get said in the heat of the moment"

CUS Wyken

New Member

You need to realise something. It's the 21st century. Your still living in the dark ages.

Whatever happened hundred's of years with slavery is irrelevant. I'm talking about today 2012...

Racism is a two way thing... The PC brigade in my eyes have made this country worse which it's left Wing views. We live in England yet we are the minority nowadays. We can't celebrate certain days because it could upset certain Relgions. If we say anything about it then were 'racist' your words.

As for the black managers statement... That is very narrow minded thing to say. I doubt very much that the reason there's very few managers is because of there skin. John Barnes had his chance and failed miserabley for example. Paul ince another example.

CUS Wyken

New Member
I know what NLHWC means about John Terry. With some players I would have my doubts, but I have no doubts John Terry is guilty. And I also have no doubt that he'll get away with it.

"But we all talk like that where we're from"
"It's different when you're on the pitch"
"Lots of things get said in the heat of the moment"

What eveidence have you got to determine Terry racist apart from your view on the fella?


Well-Known Member
Absolutely none at all. Just a "feeling".

What eveidence have you got to determine Terry racist apart from your view on the fella?


New Member
To be honest, saying John Terry is probably racist because IMO he's an utter cock is not, by any means, "like saying all black young men in London are knife merchants because there dressed in there hoodies." The latter relies on a racist pre-conception. The other is my opinion (and not racist). Terry is a cock because he is a cock, not because he's white. Twats like him tend to be racist, in my experience. He's arrogant, full of himself, and strikes me as the sort of twat who would have said what is alleged. Maybe I'm wrong, and he is innocent until proven guilty, but there's nothing to stop me saying "betchya he's guilty"! I don't think he's a poor lickle mouse in need of so much of a desperate defence of him.

No, I am not on crack. Are you? :thinking about:

I also tend to think that people who moan most of all about minorities, "dem immigants", muslims, and how "you can only be a racist if you are white, it seems" are actually in fact quite a bit racist themselves. They may not even know it, or at least not be prepared to admit it to themselves. Hell, the BNP don't think they're racist..Any one who starts a sentence with the words "I'm not a racist, but.." is almost guaranteed to be about to demonstrate that they are.

At the very least, moaning about it so much seems a bit rich given the disguisting history of The British Empire, not to mention our orchestrating of the Slave Trade. We are histories bad guys, folks: if we have social ills brought on as the long term consequences our subjugation of one third of the globe, well then we're just reaping what our ancestors sowed. Or "it serves us f***** right", in other words!

And for every complaint about white people being the subject of racist hate crimes, there have been thousands of brutal acts commited against ethnic minorities over the past few hundred years. Not that two wrongs make a right or that it justifies anything, but just my guilty white views..I've had a lot of heated arguments with (former) mates over this sort of thing, not to mention two of my brothers-who are openly, unabbashed racists. One of them is like this because his mate once got beaten up by a bunch of black lads, 7 or 8 years ago. That's like me hating all bouncers forever just because one of the pricks through me down some stairs!

Post of the year!


Well-Known Member
noneleagueherewecome: You have strong opinions on these boards but often fail to realise it's just that - your opinion. Often you make good points but equally you are carried or swayed by your own view too much. I suggest you are young and perhaps need to look outside the box for your opinions instead of being so forceful assuming you are the only one correct? Just a thought.

Of course everything is an opinion. Someone may come on and extol the virtues of Adolf Hitler. Personally I would then form my opinion about them because of that opinion. My opinion is NLHWC is 100% correct.


Well-Known Member
Well, in this case the video of John Terry shouting the abuse helps with my "feeling". As for others in general. Those who protest too much raise my suspicions; it would be different if a black bloke did/said that, etc.

Exactly which is what I find strange. You said you have no doubt and now a feeling.

How can you have a 'feeling' someone is racist?

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