OK, so You're a Racist (2 Viewers)

  • Thread starter Deleted member 5849
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Deleted member 5849

So yeah, you've got some non mainstream views.

What I *really* don't get, though, is why you'd want to dress in a KKK robe to cradle your baby? It's not like it's practical, useful, or says anything for the baby to take in, is it?

Mind you, the name of the child shows a singular lack of imagination. Maybe this is just a particularly stupid racist...

Members of banned Nazi group jailed


And on another thing that's wrong with this picture, why has it been necessary to pixellate out the back of the baby's head? Not like you'll be saying 'ah, that racist baby!' is it?


Well-Known Member
Beggars belief that these people actually exist........no wonder Martcov keeps seeing Nazi's in all the shadows. Someone ought to take them on the Auschwitz tour.....but then they're probably not bright enough to feel the horror.


Well-Known Member
You know how it is, changing the bedsheets and pillow cases, you slip and fall into it, cut a hole so that you can see and suddenly some joker snaps a picture of you. Surely this has happened to all of us at some point? :)


Well-Known Member
If you are going to invent a cult, please make sure your uniform isn't silly.


Well-Known Member
I can only think we're going beyond racism here, and into the sphere of serious mental illness or impairment. It's some kind of bizarre attention seeking behaviour, imho.

Regardless, I'm all for getting them into a place where they can't harm themselves or anyone else, and especially the kid.

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
Whoever that adult is has the shape of a pig's nose by the look of it.


Sad state of affairs hopefully they have time to think of their actions while eating porridge
Feel sorry for the child involved who knows nothing and will grow up without the love of its parents


Well-Known Member
So yeah, you've got some non mainstream views.

What I *really* don't get, though, is why you'd want to dress in a KKK robe to cradle your baby? It's not like it's practical, useful, or says anything for the baby to take in, is it?

Mind you, the name of the child shows a singular lack of imagination. Maybe this is just a particularly stupid racist...

Members of banned Nazi group jailed


And on another thing that's wrong with this picture, why has it been necessary to pixellate out the back of the baby's head? Not like you'll be saying 'ah, that racist baby!' is it?

I’m suprised you haven’t complained about the length of the sentence


Well-Known Member
Apparently there have been over 20 children given the name Adolf in the uk since WW2 and two this millennium


Well-Known Member
Not all people like this are very sharp.

We had one a couple of years ago. There was going to be a gay rights do in a pub. Someone threatened to bomb the pub. He did other threats against gay people. He got caught with equipment for a bomb IIRC.

It ends up he is gay but hid it from everyone. And he thought by doing it would hide he is gay.


Well-Known Member

It's possible that they were just checking their ghost costumes still fit, like the guy at Chelsea threw a banana at a black man just because it was the only thing he had to hand.


Well-Known Member

It's possible that they were just checking their ghost costumes still fit, like the guy at Chelsea threw a banana at a black man just because it was the only thing he had to hand.
Well, he IS saying it wasn't a racist gesture, so maybe it WAS the only thing he had to hand.


Well-Known Member
Not all people like this are very sharp.

We had one a couple of years ago. There was going to be a gay rights do in a pub. Someone threatened to bomb the pub. He did other threats against gay people. He got caught with equipment for a bomb IIRC.

It ends up he is gay but hid it from everyone. And he thought by doing it would hide he is gay.
Maybe these guys are really black then


Well-Known Member
Maybe these guys are really black then

You joke, but if you find yourself on 4chan (don’t), the favourite hangout of far right cuntcicles, you’ll see an awful lot of porn involving black men cuckolding white dudes.

There might be something to racists wanting to get sexually owned by black dudes.


You joke, but if you find yourself on 4chan (don’t), the favourite hangout of far right cuntcicles, you’ll see an awful lot of porn involving black men cuckolding white dudes.

There might be something to racists wanting to get sexually owned by black dudes.

It's always the ones who shout loudly isn't. Get in from a BNP march to get a black fella to come round and destroy your wife while you sit in the wardrobe watching.

Quite often people who are homophobic are gay themselves. Look at Tommy Robinson and his mates who were into kids as well.

I can't really talk, I am sat in the council house with my Wasps jacket on.



Well-Known Member
Beggars belief that these people actually exist........no wonder Martcov keeps seeing Nazi's in all the shadows. Someone ought to take them on the Auschwitz tour.....but then they're probably not bright enough to feel the horror.

One of the most chilling moments of my life was as a teenager when I went on a school tour of Saachenhausen concentration camp in Germany; near the end we were allowed to visit, unsupervised and in little groups of twos and threes, wherever we liked in this Nazi-era preserved relic, where untold thousands would have died, been mutilated, raped, assaulted and so on. Me and another lad on my course wandered through a hospital unit and down some stairs into the shower room - it could quite easily have been the "shower-effect" gas chambers from the Polish death camps. Out of earshot of everyone else, my colleague put his hands on his hips, looked around the room we were in and contemplated the enormity of the events to which this place bore partial witness, and then said "well, I don't agree with what happened here but I do think Hitler had the right idea, he just used the wrong methods." I just could not, and cannot now, understand the psyche of people whose worldview is so warped.


Well-Known Member

And I always thought it would be such a humbling, saddening experience.

I kind of reckon if I ever went I would just do the whole tour in complete and utter silence.


Well-Known Member

And I always thought it would be such a humbling, saddening experience.

I kind of reckon if I ever went I would just do the whole tour in complete and utter silence.

That's how I felt, but for this creep it almost seemed like the whole Nazi setup was something he had to defend or justify. he was careful not to broadcast this generally or tell anyone other than me, the closest thing he had to a mate on that trip. Disturbing.


Well-Known Member

And I always thought it would be such a humbling, saddening experience.

I kind of reckon if I ever went I would just do the whole tour in complete and utter silence.

I've been to Auschwitz and Birkenau. They play a horrifying documentary about the camps on the bus journey from Krakow which left me almost physically sick. The ensuing hours of grief and torment are so affecting that I had to start cracking jokes quietly to my girlfriend to cope.

I don't recommend it to anyone although I'm glad I did it.


Well-Known Member
Beggars belief that these people actually exist........no wonder Martcov keeps seeing Nazi's in all the shadows. Someone ought to take them on the Auschwitz tour.....but then they're probably not bright enough to feel the horror.

Fucking hell, the most racist bloke on here preaches tolerance. Bellend.


Well-Known Member

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