Roger Daltrey And Smoking Weed (5 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Roger Daltrey of the Who stopped a gig in America when some fans in the crowd were smoking dope. He shouted at them to stop as the smoke etc affected his voice, and he was allergic to the stuff. Not very rock and roll seeing the Who were a rebellious band years ago. But I hate the smell of dope myself it stinks ! I dabbled with it myself years ago but it disagreed with me and stuck to alcohol instead. My son smokes dope and says it's " normal" these days and can't understand all the fuss. Any thoughts on this ?


Well-Known Member
I might partake in the odd smoke if someone offers it to me but very rarely. I find people who smoke it all the time (stoners) to be relentlessly boring. "Ah man, I can't wait to get home and have a spliff" "weed is way better for you than alcohol"

I have no opinion on Roger Daltrey other than he now looks like an elderly dinner lady.

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
I used to love a joint or two, but only at week-ends and only ever at home. I don't smoke at all these days and haven't for years, simply because of my ticker. I do drink a fair bit though, but certainly not to being an alcoholic level. Just a couple of cans a day and a few whiskeys in the evening. The way I look at it, I retired a good few years ago. Had all the health problems you can think of and if I can't enjoy a drink at my time of life, then I may as well give up living.


Well-Known Member
I used to love a joint or two, but only at week-ends and only ever at home. I don't smoke at all these days and haven't for years, simply because of my ticker. I do drink a fair bit though, but certainly not to being an alcoholic level. Just a couple of cans a day and a few whiskeys in the evening. The way I look at it, I retired a good few years ago. Had all the health problems you can think of and if I can't enjoy a drink at my time of life, then I may as well give up living.

Very true.

The one thing that makes me sad about death is that I won't be able to drink beer when I'm gone. Unless heaven exists and includes a bar with big titted blondes serving me pints.


There are some people when you go in the shop who just reek of it, it's as if they have been bathing in a massive bath full of weed all day with no windows. No idea how they can walk down the street and not get found out about it.

Never really been into it to be honest, handful of times if somebody has had some back in the day but was always just about the beer.


Well-Known Member
I have no opinion on Roger Daltrey other than he now looks like an elderly dinner lady.
I've always thought that he looks like a cross between Michael Crawford and Rolf Harris.




New Member
Went to see the Who at the NIA on the farewell tour. Before the show they had a video inning and it included a no smoking, vaping of any kind or else Roger would leave the stage since it affected his vocal chords. Clear warning so they were idiots.
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Well-Known Member
Had all the health problems you can think of and if I can't enjoy a drink at my time of life, then I may as well give up living.
Reminds me of a cartoon I once saw - a picture of 2 old blokes sat in their chairs in the old peoples home. One says to the other "Just think Frank, I've we hadn't given up smoking and drinking, we'd have missed out on all this"

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Roger Daltrey of the Who stopped a gig in America when some fans in the crowd were smoking dope. He shouted at them to stop as the smoke etc affected his voice, and he was allergic to the stuff. Not very rock and roll seeing the Who were a rebellious band years ago. But I hate the smell of dope myself it stinks ! I dabbled with it myself years ago but it disagreed with me and stuck to alcohol instead. My son smokes dope and says it's " normal" these days and can't understand all the fuss. Any thoughts on this ?

My 5houghts are Roger daltrey is a grade A tosser.
Have thought so for a long time.
Loved Quadrophemia though. The nook, the film and the soundtrack and the Whos early stuff.
As for weed don't smoke it myself but in not against and often find myself in environments where there's a strong smell of the stuff.
Sometimes I can't stand it and sometimes I really like it


Well-Known Member
My son stopped smoking weed for a bit, took up boxing and loved it. But alas the addiction has proven too strong and he's back on it. I can't judge him as I've had problems with drink although I'm okay now. But he knows I don't like him smoking it, but he's a grown man so he has to accept he's got a problem with the stuff.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
My son stopped smoking weed for a bit, took up boxing and loved it. But alas the addiction has proven too strong and he's back on it. I can't judge him as I've had problems with drink although I'm okay now. But he knows I don't like him smoking it, but he's a grown man so he has to accept he's got a problem with the stuff.

As addictions go there are far worse things to be hooked on B, including drink.
I only know of one lad from growing up who died through drugs, one from a combination of drink and drugs but loads through drink.


Well-Known Member
As addictions go there are far worse things to be hooked on B, including drink.
I only know of one lad from growing up who died through drugs, one from a combination of drink and drugs but loads through drink.
You're probably right as I've lost mates who carried on drinking when they should have eased up. I myself cut down as it was getting out of hand. I guess we dont like to see our flesh and blood partaking in stuff we deem wrong !

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
You're probably right as I've lost mates who carried on drinking when they should have eased up. I myself cut down as it was getting out of hand. I guess we dont like to see our flesh and blood partaking in stuff we deem wrong !

I think you worry no matter what they do mate. And conveniently forget our own antics when we were younger!

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
My son stopped smoking weed for a bit, took up boxing and loved it. But alas the addiction has proven too strong and he's back on it. I can't judge him as I've had problems with drink although I'm okay now. But he knows I don't like him smoking it, but he's a grown man so he has to accept he's got a problem with the stuff.

It’s mostly psychological, if he had kept up the boxing and committed to it then I’m sure he could well be off it still. Those people who claim it’s not addictive are taking nonsense, I think around 1 in 10 who start in their teens become addicted.

Saying that though it’s far less harmful to the individual and society as a whole than alcohol, I’d say that more than 1 in 10 of drinkers are addicted to a certain extent. People who drink on a daily basis also have problems to a certain extent, it’s no different to your son.

I’d like to see it legalised and more treatment options for those who do become addicted. That being said though I’d introduce harsh punishments for those openly smoking it in the streets, at bus stops and that sort of thing.
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Well-Known Member
It's legal in a lot of places in the US now. In a few states there are no restrictions. In others, it's available only for 'medicinal purposes'. For instance in my state, Arizona, you need a 'medical marijuana card' to buy it. However, anyone can get one by paying a doctor and saying you have anxiety or an aching back. There are shops that sell it popping up everywhere. I don't use it myself because I have medical conditions that would make it dangerous. Smoking restrictions apply to it the same as cigarettes so you can't smoke in any workplace or business, and it's frowned on in most public places.


Well-Known Member
Daltry has always been squeaky clean which is why I prefer the other 3 original members. I like my rock stars to be chucking TVs out of windows and being shit faced on stage.

I know he was trying to clean up his act just before he died but KM would have pissed himself at this.

Their tour manager used to keep his TVR in my garage and he said Entwhistle was a top bloke and by far the best one out the lot. He manages Iron Maiden now and likes them all.


Well-Known Member
My 5houghts are Roger daltrey is a grade A tosser.
Have thought so for a long time.
Loved Quadrophemia though. The nook, the film and the soundtrack and the Whos early stuff.
As for weed don't smoke it myself but in not against and often find myself in environments where there's a strong smell of the stuff.
Sometimes I can't stand it and sometimes I really like it
Yep.... Spot on


Well-Known Member
They were pretty rebellious in their time , seen them a few times and love Quad and Who’s next but Rogers voice has changed and the songs sound very different now - The people who go to watch a band are there for the experience- it’s a shame if a minority spoil it for others for just a few hours without dope ! For me and it’s my opinion smokers should smoke at home and not in any free space - my lungs tighten whenever I get smoked outside at a restaurant, pub gig etc and we have to move .


Well-Known Member
Daltry has always been squeaky clean which is why I prefer the other 3 original members. I like my rock stars to be chucking TVs out of windows and being shit faced on stage.

I know he was trying to clean up his act just before he died but KM would have pissed himself at this.

Their tour manager used to keep his TVR in my garage and he said Entwhistle was a top bloke and by far the best one out the lot. He manages Iron Maiden now and likes them all.
I wonder what Lemmy would say about Daltrey ? Or Ozzy Osbourne. I went to an Ozzy gig in Leicester years ago and he was that out of it He kept disappearing off stage, we all knew he was taking something, but it's Ozzy Osbourne so thats what you get !


Well-Known Member
I wonder what Lemmy would say about Daltrey ? Or Ozzy Osbourne. I went to an Ozzy gig in Leicester years ago and he was that out of it He kept disappearing off stage, we all knew he was taking something, but it's Ozzy Osbourne so thats what you get !
I think many of our heroes were on the way to being out of it at most gigs - and some like Syd Barrett went too far and destroyed their own presence - Ozzy is pretty resilient in this case and once singing still sounds like Ozzy


Well-Known Member
It's an issue I can't make my mind up on.

On one hand the personal, family and societal effects of people addicted to alcohol and to some extent tobacco are far greater than those addicted to weed, but is that because of the greater numbers doing them because they're legal? I know a fair few people who've had serious health problems and died due to smoking/drinking, but wouldn't have ever touched weed because it was illegal, thinking "it can't be that bad for you if it's legal" Would the problems associated with weed increase if we legalised it more? I feel deep down the government etc know that to ban weed due to health effects you really have to ban alcohol and tobacco but know it would be political suicide to do so.

On the other, I also think that banning drugs just gives an opening to organised crime, and criminalises the victims (addicts). So in that respect it'd be better to make it legal, tax the shit out of it and fund prevention and treatment campaigns.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
It's an issue I can't make my mind up on.

On one hand the personal, family and societal effects of people addicted to alcohol and to some extent tobacco are far greater than those addicted to weed, but is that because of the greater numbers doing them because they're legal? I know a fair few people who've had serious health problems and died due to smoking/drinking, but wouldn't have ever touched weed because it was illegal, thinking "it can't be that bad for you if it's legal" Would the problems associated with weed increase if we legalised it more? I feel deep down the government etc know that to ban weed due to health effects you really have to ban alcohol and tobacco but know it would be political suicide to do so.

On the other, I also think that banning drugs just gives an opening to organised crime, and criminalises the victims (addicts). So in that respect it'd be better to make it legal, tax the shit out of it and fund prevention and treatment campaigns.

I think in Holland rates of use amongst Dutch people actually decreased and they have one of the lowest rates usage in Europe.

I don’t understand the UK’s outdated attitude towards it for medicinal purposes at all, it undeniably has medical benefits for some conditions.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, there is the point that once it stops being 'naughty' it loses some of its appeal. But then I remember our attitude with alcohol and smoking (though the evidence suggests things improved after the licencing laws were relaxed).

Places like France and Italy with a more relaxed attitude to alcohol don't seem to have the same anti-social problems we do with it, but there is also evidence that they have very high rates of people with liver disease.

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