Stewards Conduct Saturday 21st April (1 Viewer)


New Member
Hello Fans, I am a Doncaster fan who visited on saturday. I must thank you all for your friendly welcome and send off. My concerns are that whilst there I photo'd and my friend videod the stewards at the final wistle.
2 fans ran onto the pitch, Yes they shouldnt have been on there, but at one point 8 stewards had the fan, and our footage shows a steward pulling the fan to the ground with his hair!
Irrespective.....thats assult. Does anyone know the fan in question? He might like our footage.
All the best for next season

Donnyviking :wave:


New Member
Good on you mate, our stewards are hooligans (with exceptions). As far as I know nobody was arrested though 8 were ejected with details taken. Keep hold of your footage, hopefully it will prove useful.


Must admit, your fans were a credit when they all ran down dressed up for the penalty :)


New Member
Can you please post the video on YouTube so this serious offence is investigated ! See you next season Donny always a great away game and evening there.


New Member
If your on twitter get in contact with @WMPcovFc thats the police sector that deal with cov games, they have been asking for any details following the incidents against both fans and stewards.

See you next season

ray carlyon

New Member
The stewards r jumped up little hitlers who all lead boring lives an think they r important 4 3 hours every fortnite nothing more than hooligans


Well-Known Member
Its not the first time the stewards have assaulted fans at the ricoh this season.
All fans are treated as hooligans, including away fans.
In the scoreboard corner its around a steward to every 2 fans.


Well-Known Member
Also, fantastic support.
Both clubs have had a dreadful season and both sets of fans have stuck by their clubs.
See you next season!


Well-Known Member
Hello Fans, I am a Doncaster fan who visited on saturday. I must thank you all for your friendly welcome and send off. My concerns are that whilst there I photo'd and my friend videod the stewards at the final wistle.
2 fans ran onto the pitch, Yes they shouldnt have been on there, but at one point 8 stewards had the fan, and our footage shows a steward pulling the fan to the ground with his hair!
Irrespective.....thats assult. Does anyone know the fan in question? He might like our footage.
All the best for next season

Donnyviking :wave:

I know him personally, can you pm the video to me please?


New Member
You Tube-Stewards

I think initially we will hang onto the photos/video. I may put them on YouTube next week. Thanx for the Twitter link too, I'll try that.
Thanx for the positive vibes about us Donny fans. We have always enjoyed coming to the Ricoh and playing you at ours, always got on with you boys. We had Pompey up here last week, most ok but there was tons of trouble after game, smashing our pubs up, 28 Pompey arrests...Morons!
Anyway Ill keep you all posted, If anyone does find the 'fan' Ill mail him the footage. ;)


New Member
Should of just overpowered them and got loads of fans onto the pitch! They couldn't of stopped all of us!!!! :blue::blue:

Walking Bird

New Member
Was totally OTT. 2nd half was underway atmosphere flat, very quiet & then 1 bottle of beer was spotted at the back of block 15. Que gaggle of goons marching up & it all starts to go off.
Could have been dealt with so much better by sending a couple of yellow coats to confiscate only rather than inflame the situation.
Sadly the days of common sense when i used to be a Chief Steward are gone it seems spoiling for a fight is the way it is now.


Well-Known Member
i really would like to know who briefs / instructs the orange response persons,
i have continually witnessed utterly provocative & senseless actions,
& then to confound matters they, yesterday, proceeded to act like playground bullies,
then an ambulance was called to attend to a green steward who got showered with water,
dangerous stuff that water,
perhaps they might like to think over the fact that next season fewer stewards will be required,
apart from which they have earned the reputation of being the worst stewards around the leagues,
PUSB & don't alienate fans through thug tactics

Walking Bird

New Member
i really would like to know who briefs / instructs the orange response persons,
i have continually witnessed utterly provocative & senseless actions,
& then to confound matters they, yesterday, proceeded to act like playground bullies,
then an ambulance was called to attend to a green steward who got showered with water,
dangerous stuff that water,
perhaps they might like to think over the fact that next season fewer stewards will be required,
apart from which they have earned the reputation of being the worst stewards around the leagues,
PUSB & don't alienate fans through thug tactics

Back at Highfield Rd it was a guy called Bob Rankin. He was a former police chief & his directive at all games was about deflaming any potential situation.
It seems the complete opposite now.


Well-Known Member
quite so WB, well observed, saw an orange one on sat, that i'd seen before, then on a protracted journey home saw that then disrobed orange one getting a lot of gargling done & bragging to the people around him about how hard he is,
who hires these antagonistic buffoons ?


Well-Known Member
Back at Highfield Rd it was a guy called Bob Rankin. He was a former police chief & his directive at all games was about deflaming any potential situation.
It seems the complete opposite now.

Bob was a good man.

Remember one dick head steward in the Terrace hated me and my lot and would do his best to catch us doing anything dodgy. Him and his stewards caught 3 of us pouring a bottle of voddy into our coke at the back of the Terrace and they took our season tickets off us. He took great delight in telling us we wouldn't get them back, probably get a ban blah blah.

Couple of days later got a message to ring Bob, rang him, he called me a silly prat for getting caught and told me to go and pick our season tickets up from the ticket office. :claping hands:

Sterling Archer

Well-Known Member
50% of stewards are power hungry morons, the other 50% are City fans who just want to watch the game for free.

This obviously doesn't help things.


Well-Known Member
50% of stewards are power hungry morons, the other 50% are City fans who just want to watch the game for free.

This obviously doesn't help things.

59% of stewards are power hungry morons and the other 46% are just City fans who want to watch the game for free.

Ohh. ...and stewards can't count properly.


Well-Known Member
59% of stewards are power hungry morons and the other 46% are just City fans who want to watch the game for free.

Ohh. ...and stewards can't count properly.

What about the 46% who only take the job to get 'food hoovering rights' at the food counters?

If you're ever in the concourse at the point in time the food-serving operations shut-up shop, it's awash with piggy-handed, red-faced obese buffoons in various shades of day-glow; with their swollen, gargoylian faces contorted with joy at the notion of free pies. Then scurrying off, beetle-like to empty their stuffed pockets of pastry-based snacks ahead of working off their feast by picking on one of CCFC's paying customers.

For every good one - there's two bad


Well-Known Member
What about the 46% who only take the job to get 'food hoovering rights' at the food counters?

If you're ever in the concourse at the point in time the food-serving operations shut-up shop, it's awash with piggy-handed, red-faced obese buffoons in various shades of day-glow; with their swollen, gargoylian faces contorted with joy at the notion of free pies. Then scurrying off, beetle-like to empty their stuffed pockets of pastry-based snacks ahead of working off their feast by picking on one of CCFC's paying customers.

For every good one - there's two bad

Very funny:claping hands::claping hands::claping hands::claping hands:

Hugh Jarse

Well-Known Member
There are a lot of stewards who are knuckle dragging neaderthals who can't get a security job, even at Coventry Point. They revell in the fact that they are the football police and people should do what they say. Coupled with their high foreheads and low intelligence, this is a dangerous combination to give them the power to live out their sad fantasies.

C'mon guys, stick to Battlefield and Call of Duty!


New Member
Ok , I have been reading these threads with interest and would give the following advice to all fans who come to the Ricoh. All stewards coats have a large
number on them ... take that and the colour of the coat and that will give the safety manager the person you are complaining about. As they always wear the same coats for every game ( they did before I retired anyway )


New Member
Does anyone know what actual legal authority stewards have to restrain and in some cases assult paying supporters?

Even if someone has done something wrong what right do stewards have to dish out punishment? Surely if there is crowd trouble and illegal behavour going on it should be down to the police to control?

What ever happened to the friendly stewards who were fans and whose main job was helping people find their seat & assisting the disabled fans?

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
Back at Highfield Rd it was a guy called Bob Rankin. He was a former police chief & his directive at all games was about deflaming any potential situation.
It seems the complete opposite now.

I was a steward from about 1995 -1998 in the HR Family Stand. Me and my mate, the late Nigel Krone, used to have a great banter with the fans. Always enjoyed my time while I was there. Thought Bob Rankin was a bit of a misery though. When I said I wouldn't be able to make a couple of games due to family commitments, he said "Don't bother turning up again then!". So I just carried on watching from the stands!


New Member
Does anyone know what actual legal authority stewards have to restrain and in some cases assult paying supporters?

Even if someone has done something wrong what right do stewards have to dish out punishment? Surely if there is crowd trouble and illegal behavour going on it should be down to the police to control?

What ever happened to the friendly stewards who were fans and whose main job was helping people find their seat & assisting the disabled fans?

As soon as you buy your ticket , you are agreeing to comply with all the ground regulations. Failure to fans to comply with them could/would lead to you being ejected from the ground or held till the Police attend the ground.

Clubs use stewards as they are cheaper option to the Police. I have been told that one van load of coppers costs the club about 6 grand per game


Well-Known Member
Would the words and phrases such as 'restrained' or 'reasonable force' not be appropriate in the application of any regulations?

There's a huge difference between a reactive pacifying restraint, and the proactive violence we've seen this year. And the application of a reasonable degree of force, proportionate to the threat seemingly never a balance well struck.

And I'm sorry to hark back to the constant theme here, namely SISU - but they were aware of the level of proactive violence metered out against their paying customers when the protests began. The reality was, they were prepared to sit on their hands and allow the thugs to do their bidding. And as soon as some get it into their heads that they can behave as they wish; well, they'll carry on regardless

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