Well-Known Member
This is what’s struggling weather to go or not watching him upfront think I’m gonna pass lolWell i would guess that Baka will start tonight so rather than speculate lets just see how he does
This is what’s struggling weather to go or not watching him upfront think I’m gonna pass lolWell i would guess that Baka will start tonight so rather than speculate lets just see how he does
You know you've lost an argument when you try to use the other persons insult back on them.
You're not very good at this, old bean.
That's interesting - you claimed yesterday that your reference to a safe place was not insulting in any way. Now suddenly you do view it as an insult.
Not sure who it was but someone yesterday referenced you as the biggest prick on this message board - amidst quite strong competition it must be said. So well done on that accolade.
I was always told that if two people independently call you something - chances are that you are that something. So let me just say to avoid all doubt - you are a totally condescending prick.
Respond all you want old bean but engaging with a condescending prick is a total waste of time for most people - including myself.
Do you think that this is all a bit too much for you?
I’m sure there’s a nice Gardening forum you can join where the only subject on controversy is which colour Rose should be grown in a medium size flower bed
My bush fuchsia has a mixture of healthy and dead branches. I've not had this problem before. Does anyone know what's causing this and whether it will kill the entire shrub?
Fuck off you stupid dickhead, you are clearly not fit to wear gardeners gloves you prick. Your mum has been rogered more times than a police officers radio
Do you think that this is all a bit too much for you?
I’m sure there’s a nice Gardening forum you can join where the only subject on controversy is which colour Rose should be grown in a medium size flower bed
That's interesting - you claimed yesterday that your reference to a safe place was not insulting in any way. Now suddenly you do view it as an insult.
Not sure who it was but someone yesterday referenced you as the biggest prick on this message board - amidst quite strong competition it must be said. So well done on that accolade.
I was always told that if two people independently call you something - chances are that you are that something. So let me just say to avoid all doubt - you are a totally condescending prick.
Respond all you want old bean but engaging with a condescending prick is a total waste of time for most people - including myself.
I'm laughing so hard it hurts.
Two condescending pricks - gang up together - and attempt comedy with the usual embarrassing results.
Well according to you if two have the same opinion it must be right
I think Bakayoko is utter shite along with 90% of the fan base.
Okay, I'll just clear a few things up after that meltdown because it contained lies and stupidity.
I never said I didn't insult you. I did, you're a massive wet wipe of the dampest variety.
No one called me a prick. An owl fanatic called me a scumbag for reasons unknown.
"I was always told that if two people independently call you something, chances are you are that something"
Baka has been called shit by way more than two people and yet you are arguing that he isn't, but by your own amazing logic surely the fact cannot be argued because two people have called him shit?
I could do this all day but thankfully you said you won't engage anymore so farewell oh wet one.
It's quite a day when you appear to be proud of being called a scumbag rather than a prick. I'm happy to also call you a scumbag.
As for two people independently calling you something - it was in direct reference to a character trait (such as being a condescending prick) vs. someone's ability on the pitch.
Well according to you if two have the same opinion it must be right
My comment purely referenced an opinion on a character trait (such as being a condescending prick). It wasn't intended as a general comment on all things Grendel as you probably well know.
For example, if 10 people independently call Fellatio a condescending prick - I would say it's very likely he's a condescending prick. That argument falls apart somewhat if 10 people also say independently: 'Fellatio's ok really he's just misunderstood and not really a condescending prick at all.' Unlikely as that might be.
Here you are engaging with me again even after you proudly stated you were above replying to me anymore.
You've also been shown to be a liar and a hypocrite.
You are quite the little weasel, wet wipe.
We’ve both independently said your fragile character seems to be somewhat at odds with s football forum mentality
This is what’s struggling weather to go or not watching him upfront think I’m gonna pass lol
Are you 10 years old? Jesus Christ.
You still here? I thought you'd be hanging off mummy's titty for the rest of the night baby boy.
What has the weather got to do with it?
You still here? I thought you'd be hanging off mummy's titty for the rest of the night baby boy.
No no no. He used an age gag, you can’t just recycle.
I'm beyond embarrassed for you to be honest Fellatio at this point.
I'm genuinely starting to feel sorry for you.
Enjoy the match. Over and out.
Kinell..... ‘wet wipe’ and ‘scumbag’ ?
I bet you both nearly spilt your fucking Harvey’s Bristol Cream in the ruckus
Are you only just waking up you yank, swamp dwelling sister fucker?
Who's going to defend his world beating performance from this evening?
Biamou shown more in the 10 minutes he was on as did bapaga
Well whats the Baka fans think now? Banjo barn door and cows arse spring to mind also bag of cement also