Is it all positioning 'in case of' scenarios?
Or a real effort to align itself for the least impact in pulling the plug?
What comes out of SISU's mouth next will be a very telling moment indeed.
I don't think it matters what sisu says - nobody really believe them anyway - or even listen.
We need to look at all the other evidence that builds up:
- the failure to get to negotiate a lower rent
- the staff meeting at Ricoh and the talk about 'risk assessment'
- just about everyone who have friends in high places tells the same story: The club is skinned and can't hold on much longer
- the new mortage on Ryton and all CCFC assets
and so on.
Is this the moment to push harder to sisu knowing the clubs very existence is threathen?
Isn't it long overdue that the fans actually try to help the club and get a positive or just neutral dialogue with sisu as asbyjan suggested.
Is this the time not to purchase ST's?
Is this the time to restart the sisu-out campaigning?
When you're in a hole, stop digging!
Why are we only trying to force sisu's hands ... we could turn our attention towards Hoffman and the council. If they really have the club at heart, they need to show some passion.