Thanks mate, appreciate that.
Do you understand that if our budget was simply based on the clubs income, then we would have a significantly smaller playing and operating budget that we do at present? Genuine question, do you get that?
After 11 years in charge it is very clear who has lead us to the situation where we have the budget that we do. If the actions that you take lead to you losing about 75% of your customers (average gate down from 20k to 5k in those 11years) the owners bear no responsibility for that?
I'm not getting involved in discussions like these as they will just go on and on. However, suffice to say that most City fans recognise Sisu for the bunch of shysters that they are. For a whole variety of reasons they are by a considerable margin the worst owners I think we have had in the 52 years that I have followed this club. You are in a very small minority that seem to think that Sisu are okay owners. You are very selective in the points that you look at to 'prove' your point of view.
Contrary to what is frequently stated on here by one poster, I don't think that most fans want someone to simply come in and throw lots of money at the club.
Most sensible fans, which I think are in the majority, want owners who are open, honest, have a plan that they communicate and above all, through the actions that they take demonstrate that they love the club and want the best for it in the same way that the fans do. In other words they are running the club for the benefit of the club and it's community, not in pursuit of financial return for faceless and nameless money people. The decisions that Sisu make are for the benefit of CCFC? Don't make me laugh.