It's irrelevant because progressive views on homosexuality have got us out of the dark ages on that topic. I guess you'll be letting Corbyn off the hook for anything he did or said in the 80s?
Did you not once laughingly ask what I was like when I was Doms age?
When at university I was Vice chairman of the faculty I was in - it was in Nottingham and the time of the miners strike
I had to once attend some ghastly meeting with communist twerps asking how to support the strikers
Much you the poor chaps horror who was with me I decided to stand up and say I wanted to organise a collection for the police as a defence against the Marxist thugs
It did go well and I was confronted by some cretin in a standard Che Guevara T Shirt swearing at me. There was a black guy with him and I said to him why is he standing by someone who advocated White supremacy, apartheid and was a Nazi
Of course they were very confused and then I attempted to educate them on the racist that was their Cuban hero
Although T Shirt wearer didn’t say it with great articulation he tried to justify it that times were different then
It was my first and last meeting