I can’t make this any simpler without using crayons but let me try again.
You can’t simultaneously claim that Cameron and co were running “project fear” and that everyone listened to what he said and that’s what they voted for. By that logic we should also be starting WW3, wasn’t that in project fear as well?
What matters isn’t what your opponents said about you in the campaign, it’s what you said. What did the leavers day would happen? That’s what Leave voters voted for. Those listening to remain voted for remain, obviously.
You must know how disingenuous your argument is. You can see it if I replace Leave with Boris and Cameron with Corbyn.
Shmmeee, just give it up now,
The only facts you need to concern yourself with are,
1 you lost the referendum
2 you lost the general election
3 your communist leader is heading into early retirement.
There’s really no point prolonging your argument.
Your flogging a dead horse chum.