Lads. Fuck sake. How many times does this need to be said? I agree with
@hill83, you lot can be fucking pathetic.
Whatever your thoughts, whatever boris did or didn't say, whatever your political viewpoint, this is a man who has tried to lead our country through the biggest test since ww2, at what is shown to be detriment of his own health, a father, brother, husband whatever.
His unborn child could potentially never see their father.
Some of you have children, i do, and I'm sure you'll agree with me that what will be going through Boris mind as it would all of us, is your kids. Doesn't matter that he is PM he will be just as fucking shit scared right now as me or you would be.
So stop the arguing, try and put yourself in his shoes, in fact anyone who's been through this horrendous viruses shoes, pause for a moment and think.
Way more important things going on in the world at the minute. This forums turning into loose women. Have a word with yourselves some of you